FOR online network

Hi, Friends.  On the heels of this exciting election season, the Fellowship of Reconciliation in partnership with the Not Your Soldier project launching the Drop Beats Not Bombs tour - and we're coming to Wooster in a week!

The tour's purpose is to support military resistance through creative action, which we're going to need no matter who's in office. The tour features Paula Galeano, a Conscientious Objector from Colombia, and Detroit-based artist Invincible, who resists through amazing political hip-hop. FOR & Not Your Soldier staff will lead workshops on Conscientious Objection and Art and Action, and will reach out to local organizers to connect & resource resistance to militarism through the Not Your Soldier project.

Please check out the itinerary (online and below) and RSVP for events you would like to attend.  If you can't be involved but want to support FOR's work,  please follow our blog online and consider making a financial contribution to help cover our costs.

Thanks for all of your support!!

Maryrose Dolezal, Fellowship of Reconciliation

Click the dates/locations at left to learn more about the activities and to RSVP. Letting us know you're coming will help us with planning and allow us to share last-minute details with you.  Please RSVP if you plan to attend any of a day's events.

Click here for the most up-to-date itinerary.

Fellowship of Reconciliation  •   521 N. Broadway  •   Nyack, New York 10960  •   845-358-4601  •

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