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Dear friend,

Joe DeRaymond

Joe DeRaymond

When Don Gilberto went looking for a stray pig on Sunday, he was drawn into the brush near his home in the settlement of Mulatos, in rural northwestern Colombia. But other people were there before him - and had set a land mine. The mine went off, and the Peace Community of San José organized an emergency group to carry Gilberto down the mountain, with the FOR team's accompaniment. It was after dark, and FOR volunteers Peter and Marion travelled on remote paths with the community contingent until Gilbert was safely put into an ambulance, not long before midnight.

Earlier this week we told you about the
Joe DeRaymond Memorial Accompaniment Fund
, a tribute to Joe's commitment to the courageous experiment in nonviolence of the San José de Apartadó Peace Community. We are grateful that dozens of people have contributed a total of more than $2,000 to the Fund, in order to support the Fellowship of Reconciliation's protective accompaniment work.

For the Fund to cover the costs of food, transport, lodging, insurance for an FOR volunteer for six months (Joe's initial commitment in San José), we'd like to raise another $5,000 in the Joe DeRaymond fund.
Click here to donate to the Fund.

Don Gilberto survived the mine accident. We want to be sure the community survives the many other risks they face. Please
support in any way you can.

For peace,
John, Liza, Susana, Moira, Peter, Rachel, and Marion

Fellowship of Reconciliation  •   521 N. Broadway  •   Nyack, New York 10960  •   845-358-4601  •

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