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The key to peace in the Middle East is restoration of international law and the recognition of the right of both Palestinians and Israeli Jews to live in peace and security side by side.

United Nations reports in recent weeks detail the long term, continuing, and current dimensions of extreme economic and social distress experienced by the Palestinian residents in Gaza. These conditions are most immediately exacerbated by a siege imposed on Gaza and sustained by the State of Israel in violation of international law. The siege is sustained by the complicit support of the immediate neighbor of Gaza and Israel, Egypt, and by the implicit support of the world, quite particularly the United States of America.

As we approach the one-year anniversary of the most recent massive incursions into Gaza and tightening of the siege of Gaza, a global coalition of organizations and individuals from all faith traditions and dozens of nations have agreed to join in solidarity with Palestinians in Gaza and Israel in sympathy with the cause, for the Gaza Freedom March on December 31, 2009.

The Fellowship of Reconciliation USA has endorsed the march and is working in particular on an interfaith peace walk which will be one element of participation in the march.

We invite you to a local fundraiser for the Gaza Freedom March this Saturday, November 21.

Yoram and Felice Gelman and Mirene Ghossein will provide food, discussion and pictures from Gaza. You may contribute as much as you wish. Funds will go to support direct aid to Palestinians, student travel to the Gaza Freedom March as well as other costs to make this critical action a reality.

Gaza Freedom March Fundraiser
Saturday, November 21, 4:30 PM
91 Cobb Lane, Tarrytown, NY
(view map)

Please RSVP and direct any questions to Rosa Hill, or 917-912-2597.

Directions: From the north, drive south on Route 9 through the village of Sleepy Hollow. Cobb Lane is the first left after you pass the high school. From the south, drive north on Route 9 through the village of Tarrytown. Cobb Lane is the first right after you pass the library.

If you cannot attend, you can make an online contribution, or send your tax-deductible donation by check to CODEPINK/Gaza Freedom March, 91 Cobb Lane, Tarrytown, NY 10591.

FOR members, chapters and affiliates are also encouraged to organize local events, gatherings, vigils, walks to be held on the same day as the Gaza Freedom March on December 31.


Mark Johnson
Executive Director, The Fellowship of Reconciliation

Fellowship of Reconciliation  •   521 N. Broadway  •   Nyack, New York 10960  •   845-358-4601  •

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