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Dear Friends,

Help plan the UN nuclear abolition rally in May

President Obama called for the abolition of nuclear weapons but said that it may not be achievable in his lifetime.

Help organize the May 2 march and rally to make it happen in our lifetime!

Thursday, Jan. 28, 7:00 PM

Reidy Hall
All Souls Church

1157 Lexington Ave
New York, NY

Last week, our nation observed the holiday to honor Martin Luther King, Jr.

That day is a special day for us in FOR. On Monday, we kicked off "Honor Martin Luther King, Jr. -- End the Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and abolish Nuclear Weapons."

We call upon nation to do more than honor Dr. King: It is time to put his teaching and example into practice. This May, we are inviting people from across the US to come to New York to protest war and nuclear weapons. Mark the date now:

May 2, 2010: Witness at the United Nations in support of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty

Every five years, the NPT is reviewed for compliance. Our witness at the United Nations will be critical to sending the message of complete nuclear abolition.

In preparation for the May event, a special meeting is being held THIS THURSDAY, Jan. 28, at 7:00 PM in All Souls Church, 1157 Lexington Avenue, New York City.

Jonathan Schell, Pulitzer Prize-nominated author of The Seventh Decade: The New Shape of Nuclear Danger and writer at The Nation, will discuss how the grassroots peace movement can halt the drift toward nuclear catastrophe and the threat of nuclear terrorism.

Please join us on Thursday and become a part of the planning as we in the New York City area welcome thousands from across North America and around the world in May.

Additionally, we want to begin to identify homes and other facilities where students and other participants from around the country can stay. If you have space for participants on or around May 2, please reply to this email and let us know.

For a nuclear-free world,

Bill Winston
Director of Organizational Advancement & Communications
Fellowship of Reconciliation USA

Co-Sponsoring Organizations: American Friends Service Committee; Brooklyn for Peace; Global Network Against Weapons and Nuclear Power in Space; German Scientists for Peace and Cooperation; U.S. Peace Council; INES (International); IALANA (Europe, Germany); International Network for the Abolition of Military Bases; International Association of Peace Messenger Cities; Japan Council Against Atomic and Hydrogen Bomb (Gensuikyo); Nuclear Age Peace Foundation; Peace Action; Pax Christi USA; Peace Action NYS; Mayors for Peace; Le Mouvement de La Paix; Western States Legal Foundation; Reaching Critical Will; Women's International League for Peace & Freedom (U.S.); Peace Boat US; CODEPINK Women for Peace; LI Alliance for Peaceful Alternatives; Abolition 2000; United for Peace and Justice

Fellowship of Reconciliation  •   521 N. Broadway  •   Nyack, New York 10960  •   845-358-4601  •

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