
"Through our dreams we take a chance, we defy what has been imposed on us, we insist on living differently. The mission of the Red Juvenil is to build a collective, to come together, live and unlearn together, to defend dignity, that of our own and many others." --Adriana Roman

Please join us for one of our upcoming events with Adriana Roman, human rights defender, lawyer and youth activist from the Youth Network of Medellín, Colombia.

Life and Resistance: Overcoming Violence in Colombia: A talk on the Red Juvenil

Monday, Feb. 15
5:00 PM to 7:00 PM
La Peña Cultural Center
3105 Shattuck Avenue
Berkeley, CA 94705 USA

Dinner Celebrating Creative Non-Violent Resistance in Colombia: A fundraiser for the Fellowship of Reconciliation Colombia Program

Friday, Feb. 19
6:00 PM to 9:00 PM
Tickets: $20 (includes Colombian food, drink, and live music)
View details or purchase online
For more information or to purchase by phone, contact Liza Smith at (720) 296-6429

See you next week!