February 2008 e-newsletter

National Call-in Days:  July 26-27-28!

Time to Vote "No" on War in Afghanistan!!

Dear Friends:

The House of Representatives will be voting again this week on the White House request for $33.5 billion of new funding for the war in Afghanistan.
Fellowship of Reconciliation USA is joining with organizations in America to call upon Congressional Representatives to vote against the White House request for $33.5 billion in new funds for the war in Afghanistan. 
Congressional Switchboard: 1-888-493-5443 toll-free.  Please call right away!
Three week ago, 162 members of the House supported an Amendment calling for a time-table for withdrawal. (See roll call results.)

100 members of the House supported an amendment offered by Rep. Barbara Lee limiting the use of the funds for security and to actually begin the withdrawal of troops.  (See results of this roll call.)

Now the House is being asked to vote the money without a time-table or any plan for withdrawal. Nine years into the war, the Administration lacks clear goals, a coherent strategy or any "exit plan." Meanwhile soldiers and civilians keep dying and so far $321 billion dollars have been being squandered in an irrational enterprise. We need to insist that elected officials act responsibly by refusing to fund this war without end.
Most commonly asked question: "Why should I bother? They don't listen anyway?" Members of Congress are listening. That's why these amendments received so many votes. That's the reason growing numbers are willing to speak out in opposition. The more "No" votes we achieve this week--the closer we come to bringing this tragic war to a close.
Call the Congressional Switchboard:1-888-493-5443 early this week and after you hang up please forward this message to your friends.  Donate now to support this effort.  No gift is too small.   We need everyone help to bring an end to our country's involvement in War
Keep in mind members of Congress will be back in their districts during August. Many will be campaigning for re-election. This is a valuable time for to partner with local groups, fighting against cut-backs. Conduct  vigils, send delegations or engage in direct action around a shared desire to fund our communities, not endless war. In the Fall Congress will be asked to approve another $160 billion war funding for FY 2011. Let's make them feel the heat NOW.

Mark Johnson, Ph. D.
Executive Director, FOR-USA