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Fellowship of Reconciliation
Working for peace, justice and nonviolence since 1915

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Let your Congressional Representative know what your priorities are today. Send a message urging shifting funds from the military and fully funding our communities' needs.

It isn't so complicated, at first look.

The social programs House leaders propose slashing in order to cut the deficit are small compared to the big tickets: Social Security, Medicare, and the military. Asked which of these three big federal areas they would choose to cut, 55% of Americans favor cutting the military. Asked what of the military they would cut, more than half say we should bring troops home from Asia and Europe - that is, from the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. More than 60% favor restoring Clinton-era taxes on our nation's wealthy people.

President Obama's Valentine's Day budget didn't do that. Instead, the White House proposes increasing the Pentagon's already bloated budget, while slashing heating assistance for low-income families. It includes more than $5 billion in mlitary aid to Egypt, Israel and Pakistan, while cutting Pell education grants, community block grants (by half), and Great Lakes cleanup.

Republicans in the House have an even harsher vision. Last week they proposed cutting 15% from social programs for the remainder of this year, including immunizations, K-12 education, food safety inspections, teen pregnancy prevention, and international disaster relief. Can you imagine a school full of children without immunizations, or seniors having to choose between their medicine, heating their home or buying groceries? This week the House is debating these proposals, as well as amendments to cut military spending.

Please take action today. Send a message urging shifting funds from the military and fully funding our communities' needs.

But don't stop there. Feeding our children and keeping families warm through next winter's harsh nights is not "discretionary." Neither is ending the disastrous, bankrupting wars the United States is waging in Afghanistan and Iraq, or stopping support for the abusive militaries of Israel, Egypt, and Pakistan.

“Budgets are always moral documents. Our budget should not be balanced on the backs of the poor.”

    - Jim Wallis, Sojourners

A silver lining in the president's budget is apparent cuts to military aid to Colombia - making it less than since Plan Colombia began - and to Latin American generally. That's due to people like you consistently voicing your values on this issue!

What to do

FOR is co-sponsoring the Global Day Against Military Spending on April 12 - a day for education and action in our communities about the impacts of military spending and the need to use our resources for life, not war. The organizing kit for the Global Day helps you make visible just how much our nation is spending on war and how much for our families and communities.

Create space for a just and peaceful economy. Start by sending a message to your legislators. Please write your own Subject line. Don't just click Send - say a few words! That's what legislators say influences them the most.

Yours for peace and justice,

John, Shauen, Susana, Ivan and the rest of the Fellowship of Reconciliation staff

Fellowship of Reconciliation  |  P.O. Box 271, Nyack, NY 10960
for@forusa.org  |  www.forusa.org  |  (845) 358-4601

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