Fellowship of Reconciliation
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Fellowship of Reconciliation
Working for peace, justice and nonviolence since 1915

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People demand removal of the regime
Image: sierragoddess


As we celebrate the popular uprisings across the Middle East and North Africa, we know that sustainable justice requires a long-term process of reconciliation.

The Fellowship of Reconciliation invites you to participate in our programs for peace and reconciliation in different parts of our world, in events happening across our country. We will be hosting or participating in events in New York, California, Texas, Illinois, Colorado, North Carolina, New Mexico, and Washington D.C. Read on for information about these events, and please pass them on to friends and family who might be interested!

Image: Khalid Albaih

Join an FOR delegation to Iran

 Since the 1920s, the Fellowship of Reconciliation has sent delegations of peacemakers to regions of the world in conflict and to nations regarded as U.S. enemies. This people-to-people outreach, a form of civilian diplomacy, has taken Americans to such places as Vietnam, the former Soviet Union, Iraq, Nicaragua, Israel/Palestine, and the Philippines.

Today, only a few hundred U.S. citizens visit Iran each year. Travel to Iran with FOR, and you will not only enjoy the beauty of Iran and famous Persian hospitality but also join a growing global network of grassroots civilian diplomats working to prevent war and change U.S. foreign policy.

We are now accepting applications for our delegation to Iran from July 1 to 15. Apply now!

Nationwide Tour: Struggling for Peace in a War Zone

A speaking tour with San José de Apartado Peace Community founder Jesús Emilio Tuberquia

 This tour is an effort to create people-to-people ties between citizens of the United States and other nations affected by a U.S. foreign policy that emphasizes military means above all else.

Organized by the Fellowship of Reconciliation, Peace Brigades International and Loyola University, the tour will feature Colombian community leader Jesús Emilio Tuberquia, who, in 1997, founded the San José de Apartado Peace Community with 800 other small farmers who claimed their territory as a neutral civilian community and refused to cooperate with any armed group or military force.

The tour will take place from March 24 to April 20, and will be visiting Austin, TX; Oakland, CA; Colorado Springs, CO; Albuquerque, NM; Chapel Hill, NC; Washington, DC; Chicago, IL; and upstate New York.

Learn more about this tour and be sure we have your zip code so you'll get an email alert when the tour is near you!

Chicago: Demilitarizing Life in the United States

Organizing Across Cultural Lines for Justice, with FOR Program Director Shauen Pearce and FOR National Council Member Sam Smith

 Unemployment and foreclosures are growing. Islamaphobia and racist actions dominate the media, our streets and spiritual places each day. The military targets the young, people of color and low-income communities to sustain its wars. This workshop will explore the relationship between class, race, and faith in our organizing strategies.

Join us next week, March 1-4 at the Congress on Urban Ministry. With the theme of "Peacemaking in a Culture of Violence," the congress will be co-chaired by the Rev. Dr. James A. Forbes and the Rev. Dr. Michael Pfleger. You can register online for the entire conference, or get a single-day pass for Thursday, March 3, the day on which the FOR workshop will take place.

Washington, DC: Latin American Solidarity Conference

 We're organizing an exciting and informative national conference April 8-11, to build a larger movement to end U.S. militarism and the militarization of US relations with Latin America and the world.

The Latin American Solidarity Conference will include FOR leaders, activists, people of faith, academics, students and youth, anti-war and immigration activists, labor organizers and all who are working to build a better world.

Learn more about the conference, or register to attend for just $25!

Anti-War Rallies in New York City and San Francisco

If you can't make it to the Latin American Solidarity Conference but are near New York or the San Francisco Bay Area, we invite you to join us at the rallies against war at home and abroad on April 9 and 10.

Fellowship of Reconciliation  |  P.O. Box 271, Nyack, NY 10960
for@forusa.org  |  www.forusa.org  |  (845) 358-4601

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