Fellowship of Reconciliation
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Fellowship of Reconciliation
Working for peace, justice and nonviolence since 1915

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Broadcasting peace in Times Square

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The Fellowship of Reconciliation is broadcasting a message of justice, peace and nonviolence in Times Square, New York City!

If you haven't taken a look already, learn more about the billboard for peace, and how you can get involved!

From Cairo to Madison, we've seen the results of committed nonviolent social change movements in recent weeks. And from Libya to Japan to our own neighborhoods, we know there are still more social, environmental and personal changes needed. Did you know that Egypt's popular uprising followed months of training, preparation and discipline? We need the same kind of preparation to make change happen here!

Join Fellowship of Reconciliation affiliate Creating a Culture of Peace for an upcoming workshop on the principles, practice and power of active nonviolence for personal and social change! Creating a Culture of Peace is a national training program, which began at FOR, and remains fiscally sponsored by our organization.

Interactive Creating a Culture of Peace workshops build upon your own wisdom and experience, and liberate your gifts and build your skills for social change. They explore times of violence, practice in creative nonviolence, analyze how social change happens, and study ways to create community solidarity. As part of the workshop, you will choose and plan your own projects for nonviolent action.

You will discover your power to make change happen. You will strengthen peacemaking skills and ways to apply the learning to everyday life -- in families and workplaces, in schools, congregations, environmental and peace groups and other organizations. Please join us!

Costs vary from $50 to $250 for a three-day training, depending on whether it is a residential retreat or a commuter training, and on the number of participants. Four-day facilitator trainings are also available.

Upcoming nonviolence trainings with Creating a Culture of Peace

No training near you? New trainings are posted regularly on the CCP calendar. Or you can host a training where you are! Bring CCP facilitators to your own community, organization, or congregation -- to find out how to get started, take a look at the host-organizer guide, and contact Janet Chisholm.

April 15-17: Bronx, NY, Bronx Community College. To register, contact David Blot, 718-548-3594, david.blot@bcc.cuny.edu.

May 13-15: Canastota, NY, Canastota Rotary Club. To register, contact Martha Fischer, 315-655-2717, pastormartie@yahoo.com.

May 19-22: Reading, PA, Episcopal Diocese of Bethlehem. To register, contact Suzanne Seibert, 484-706-4154, scintilla@dejazzd.com.

June 14-16: Bronx, NY, Bronx Community College. To register, contact David Blot, 718-548-3594, david.blot@bcc.cuny.edu.

June 17-19: Greenfield, MA, Greenfield Community College. To register, contact Mary McCarthy, 413-527-7737, firefly815@verizon.net.

June 17-19: London, ON, Canada, Pax Christi, Christian Peacemaker Teams, Basilian Center, Just Peace. To register, contact Bob Holmes, rholmes@basilian.org.

July 29-31: Circle Pines, MN, St. Paul Interfaith Network, Minnesota Fellowship of Reconciliation. To register, contact Joan Haan, 651-645-7437, joan@pleromacoaching.com.

Oct. 22-24: Pittsburgh, PA, American Friends Service Committee, Communities in Action for Peace High School. To register, contact Scilla Wahrhaftig, 412-371-3607, swahrhaftig@afsc.org.

Fellowship of Reconciliation  |  P.O. Box 271, Nyack, NY 10960
for@forusa.org  |  www.forusa.org  |  (845) 358-4601

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