Fellowship of Reconciliation
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Fellowship of Reconciliation
Working for peace, justice and nonviolence since 1915

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Donate to FORThe Fellowship of Reconciliation is excited to announce the launch of a digital video billboard for peace in Times Square, New York City. Located on 42nd Street between Seventh and Eighth Avenues, where an estimated 1.6 million people walk daily, the huge 560-square-foot screen offers a powerful testimony of FOR's work toward "the beloved community."

Featuring young people from around the globe, the 15-second video displays a resounding message that "I Will Not Kill" and "I Will Love" -- within reach of the largest Armed Forces Recruitment Center in New York.

Watch the video being broadcast in Times Square

Watch this video on YouTube

Help us continue to air this video!

Make a donation today to support FOR getting the message of peace and reconciliation out to a new audience.

Thank you to all who responded to our urgent call for photos to support our work to share this message of resistance and of peace. The journey continues and we invite you to stay involved.

Learn more about the I Will Not Kill project

If you are 27 or younger and concerned about your future and the future of all young people, take action with our I Will Not Kill project!

First, sign the pledge:

  • I will not kill.
  • I will not go to war.
  • I will not support war against other nations.
  • I will resist recruitment into the military.
  • I will encourage others to do the same.

Second, send us a photo and share your story by replying to this email.

For those older than 27, we invite you to take action for peace by learning more about our Demilitarizing Life and Land campaign and task forces on our web site.

Donate now and show your support for I Will Not Kill and help FOR continue to develop and spread creative messages of justice, peace and nonviolence.

Fellowship of Reconciliation  |  P.O. Box 271, Nyack, NY 10960
for@forusa.org  |  www.forusa.org  |  (845) 358-4601

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