Fellowship of Reconciliation
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Fellowship of Reconciliation
Working for peace, justice and nonviolence since 1915

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Demilitarizing Life & Land

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With bombs falling in Libya and wars continuing in Iraq and Afghanistan, members of the U.S. Congress are now attacking those in our country simply for their religious beliefs.

We encourage you to sign a petition to President Obama, sponsored by Peace Action and endorsed by FOR, to end the war in Afghanistan and Pakistan.

And we encourage you to consider some of the upcoming events in support of peace, justice and nonviolence across the country, and help stem a rising tide of hate.

Nothing happening in your area? Organize something locally in solidarity with one of the following events!

Upcoming events for peace, justice and nonviolence

Event Calendar

April 8, Washington, D.C.: Disarmageddon Pentagon action for peace and the environment, organized by the National Campaign for Nonviolent Resistance and endorsed by FOR

April 8 to 11, Washington, D.C.: Latin America Solidarity Conference, co-sponsored by FOR

April 9, New York City: East Coast Rally against the wars at home and abroad (interfaith statement at left), organized by the United National Antiwar Committee and endorsed by FOR

April 10, San Francisco: West Coast Rally against the wars at home and abroad (interfaith statement at left), organized by the United National Antiwar Committee and endorsed by FOR

May 21 to 24, Washington, D.C.: Move Over AIPAC: Building a New U.S. Middle East Policy, organized by CodePink, Global Exchange and the U.S. Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation, and endorsed by FOR

The following interfaith statement was endorsed and signed by Mark Johnson on behalf of the Fellowship of Reconciliation on March 29, 2011.

We, religious leaders from the faith community, stand together with our neighbors that have defended the Muslim community against Islamophobia, a new form of hate. Efforts such as the hearings called by Rep. Peter King serve to perpetuate fear and anger directed at Muslims, and endanger America’s religious freedom and diversity.

We now call upon people of all faiths to come out with their families on April 9 in New York City and April 10 in San Francisco to defend basic freedoms, and to stand in solidarity with our neighbors in the fight for justice at home and abroad, for peace and jobs, against wars and terrorism and to bring our troops home.

We defend the rights of unions to bargain and the rights of the undocumented workers to due process of law. We demand reform of our justice system to eliminate secret evidence and consistent criminalization of inner-city communities.

We support the rights of all people to practice their beliefs in peace at home and abroad and equal opportunity for all. We ask the Congress to conduct hearings against the rise of hate and hate groups in the United States.

Together we urge that the untold billions of dollars now spent for war instead be used for peoples' needs at home.

Fellowship of Reconciliation  |  P.O. Box 271, Nyack, NY 10960
for@forusa.org  |  www.forusa.org  |  (845) 358-4601

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