Fellowship of Reconciliation
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Fellowship of Reconciliation
Working for peace, justice and nonviolence since 1915

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As you are probably aware, the Fukushima nuclear power plant suffered explosions and created a very serious nuclear crisis as a result of the earthquake and tsunami in Japan. Radiation contamination has polluted the air, water and food supplies in that area. In addition, people have died from radiation poisoning and many others remain ill. There still is no telling what the long-term affects will be to the people of Japan.

Indian Point nuclear power plant in New York was built 40 years ago and has the same design as the plant in Fukushima. Yankee nuclear power plant in Vermont has had continuous hazards over the years with leaks and fires.

Govs. Andrew Cuomo (NY) and Peter Shumlin (VT) have both spoken out against these nuclear power plants and have been working to close these plants. At the same time, the federal Nuclear Regulation Committee is trying to extend the operating licenses for these two power plants. While other governments like Germany are taking steps to close all of their nuclear power plants, the U.S. government is advocating for more nuclear energy.

This April, we walk together in a peace pilgrimage of love and solidarity, to pray for those affected by the tragedy in Japan and as a meditation upon a future world that is nuclear-free. Please join us on our route from New York to Vermont.

Feel free to join the walk at any point, for any length of time. We will walk an average of 15 to 18 miles per day. If you plan to join us for more than a day, please bring a sleeping bag. Please respect that the walk will be free of drugs, alcohol and weapons.

  • Friday, April 15: Dover Plains to Millerton, New York
  • Saturday, April 16: Millerton to Hillsdale, New York
  • Sunday, April 17: Hillsdale, New York, to Great Barrington, Massachusetts
  • Monday, April 18: Great Barrington to Pittsfield, Massachusetts
  • Tuesday, April 19: Pittsfield to Williamstown, Massachusetts
  • Wednesday, April 20: Rest day in Williamstown
  • Thursday, April 21: Williamstown, Massachusetts, to Bennington, Vermont
  • Friday, April 22: Bennington to Wilmington, Vermont
  • Saturday, April 23: Wilmington, en route to Brattleboro, Vermont
  • Sunday, April 24: En route to Brattleboro, Vermont
  • Monday, April 25: Brattleboro to Vernon, Vermont -- site of Yankee Nuclear Power Plant
  • Tuesday, April 26: Brattleboro -- 25th anniversary of Chernobyl memorial vigil

For more information on how to participate in the walk, please contact Grafton Peace Pagoda, Jun-san, at (518) 658-9301, or email Julie MacDonald at nfwpeacepilgrimage2011@gmail.com.

Fellowship of Reconciliation  |  P.O. Box 271, Nyack, NY 10960
for@forusa.org  |  www.forusa.org  |  (845) 358-4601

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