Fellowship of Reconciliation
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Fellowship of Reconciliation
Working for peace, justice and nonviolence since 1915

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Dear Friends,

There are two great opportunities next week to see new peace and justice-centered documentary films in Manhattan. Both movies have strong connections to the Fellowship of Reconciliation.

On Wednesday, April 27, 7:30 p.m., Cultures of Resistancewill be screened at Columbia University to a public audience for the first time in North America. San Francisco-based filmmaker/activist Iara Lee asks, "Does each gesture really make a difference? Can music and dance be weapons of peace? In 2003, on the eve of the Iraq war, I embarked on a journey to better understand a world increasingly embroiled in conflict and, as I saw it, heading for self-destruction. After several years, travelling over five continents, I encountered growing numbers of people who committed their lives to promoting change. This is their story..."

FOR supported the development of this project by helping facilitate relationships for Iara Lee in Iran, one of the nations whose artists and activists are profiled in the inspirational film.

Details for the event: 4/27, 7:30 p.m., Columbia University, Room 417, International Affairs Building, 420 West 118th Street (between Amsterdam Avenue and Morningside Drive), New York NY 10027. FREE: first come, first seated. Post-screening party TBA at the event.

On Saturday, April 30, 12:00 p.m., I Cannot be Silent: Testimonies of Peacemakingwill be screened as part of the New York International Independent Film and Video Festival. Philadelphia-based filmmaker/activist Vic Compher features remarkable older adults sharing their stories of wisdom, peace, and justice with young people in this intergenerational documentary.

Vic Compher is a member of a 2003 FOR peace delegation to Israel/Palestine. As a result of his participation in the delegation, Compher cofounded the Interfaith Walk for Peace and Reconciliation, a Philadelphia-area annual initiative inspired by the Muslim-Jewish Peace Walk, then an FOR program.
Details for the event: 4/30, 12 noon, Quad Cinema, 34 West 13th Street (between 5th and 6th Avenues), New York, NY 10011. Tickets may be purchased for $12.00 at the door or online.

From Philadelphia Weekly film review :  “…elderly activists—men and women who marched for civil rights, peace and economic opportunity—…tell their stories.  The results can be poignant:  When Henri Parens, a concentration camp survivor, speaks to a young African-American woman who survived a fight that shattered her jaw, he seems… touched…” (J. Mathis)

We hope to see you "out at the movies" next week in Manhattan!

Fellowship of Reconciliation  |  P.O. Box 271, Nyack, NY 10960
for@forusa.org  |  www.forusa.org  |  (845) 358-4601

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