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Fellowship of Reconciliation
Task Force on Latin America and the Caribbean

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Dear Friends,Jesús Emilio Tuberquia

Thanks to all of you who have made calls to ask your member of the House to sign on to Rep. Hank Johnson's letter on the San José Peace Community in Colombia. This is a very important opportunity (it comes along once a year or so) for those of us here in Colombia who are working to put pressure on the government to end impunity for over 900 violations against the peace community. Our deadline is this Friday, June 17. We still need your help!

The following members have confirmed that they will sign on:

Reps. Sam Farr, Michael Honda, Jim McGovern, Jan Schakowsky, Raúl Grijalva and Maurice Hinchey

Here is a list of people who we've identified to target, either because they have signed onto a similar letter before or they are generally receptive to these kinds of requests. If you are from one of the following members' districts, please call them. But even if you aren't your calls to any of the people on this list will be very helpful!

  • Lynn Woolsey, 6th district of California
  • Barbara Lee, 9th district of California
  • Zoe Lofgren, 16th district of California
  • Jim Costa, 20th district of California
  • Henry Waxman, 30th district of California
  • Karen Bass, 33rd district of California
  • Bob Filner, 51st district of California
  • Jared Polis, 2nd district of Colorado
  • Rosa DeLauro, 3rd district of Connecticut
  • Federica Wilson, 17th district of Florida
  • Luis Gutiérrez, 4th district of Illinois
  • Bobby Rush, 1st district of Illinois
  • Donna Edwards, 4th district of Maryland
  • John Olver, 1st district of Massachusetts
  • Bill Keating, 10th district of Massachusetts
  • Hansen Clarke, 13th district of Michigan
  • Christopher Smith, 4th district of New Jersey
  • Donald Payne, 10th district of New Jersey
  • Gregory Meeks, 6th district of New York
  • Nydia Velázquez, 12th district of New York
  • Nita Lowey, 18th district of New York
  • Eliot Engel, 17th district of New York
  • Peter Defazio, 4th district of Oregon
  • Pat Meehan, 7th district of Pennsylvania
  • David Cicilline, 1st district of Rhode Island
  • James Langevin, 2nd district of Rhode Island
  • Ted Poe, 2nd district of Texas
  • Kay Granger, 12th district of Texas
  • Frank Wolf, 10th district of Virginia
  • Gerry Connolly, 11th district of Virginia

Here's how you do it. Call the congressional switchboard, 202-225-3121, then:

  • Ask for the foreign policy staff.
  • Say that you would like the congressman/woman to sign on to the Hank Johnson letter on the San José Peace Community in Colombia.
  • Offer to email the staff person a copy of the letter (PDF).
  • Urge them to contact Sascha Thompson in Hank Johnson's office at 225-1605 (do NOT call Sascha yourself).
  • Say you would like to hear back from them.
  • Leave your phone number.
  • Then give us a call at 510-295-4347 or send us an email and let us know about your call and what staff told you.

Thanks for acting to support justice for Jesús Emilio and the Peace Community of San José de Apartadó!

--FOR's Colombia Team (Emily, Gina, Isaac, John, Jon, Liza, Sean Martin, Susana)

FOR Task Force on Latin America and the Caribbean
436 14th St. #409, Oakland, CA 94612  |  (510) 763-1403

Fellowship of Reconciliation  |  P.O. Box 271, Nyack, NY 10960
for@forusa.org  |  www.forusa.org  |  (845) 358-4601

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