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Fellowship of Reconciliation
Working for peace, justice and nonviolence since 1915

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This weekend, a boat aptly named "The Audacity of Hope" is scheduled to set sail in the Mediterranean Sea as part of the Gaza Freedom Flotilla. On board are 50 U.S. citizens from 12 states plus the District of Columbia, including FOR members and allies Len Tsou from the Rockland Coalition for Peace & Justice, Kathy Kelly of Voices for Creative Nonviolence, Robert Naiman of Just Foreign Policy, and Ann Wright and Medea Benjamin of CODEPINK. One-third of the boat's passengers come from the U.S. Jewish community in the belief that Israel does not speak in their name. Also on board are thousands of letters from FOR members and others expressing their love and solidarity with the people in Gaza, plus an FOR resource on active nonviolence and movement-building.

U.S. Boat to Gaza: The Audacity of Hope

Support the Gaza Freedom Flotilla with a message to President Obama!

Stay up to date with the latest on The Audacity of Hope boat in the Gaza Freedom Flotilla on the website, Facebook or Twitter.


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In the spirit of the U.S. Freedom Rides, the Gaza Freedom Flotilla is an international effort to end the blockade, which is having a disastrous impact on the health and welfare of the people of Gaza. More than a thousand people from around the world have gathered in Europe to participate in the flotilla.

Help support the Gaza Freedom Flotilla by signing a petition to President Obama calling for safe passage.

During the last Gaza Freedom Flotilla in 2010, Israeli commandos attacked the nonviolent demonstrators, shooting and killing nine passengers, injuring over 50, and imprisoning all others traveling on the several vessels.

It is critical for us to demonstrate the public support for both the safety of the Freedom Flotilla and the humanity of the people of Gaza.

Sign the petition now, and ask President Obama to take a stand.

Rabbi Lynn Gottlieb, an FOR member and cofounder of the Shomer Shalom Network for Jewish Nonviolence, has said the Freedom Flotilla is necessary because "Israel is not meeting its obligations as an occupying power under international law." Currently, the collective punishment of 1.5 million people in Gaza has resulted in:

  • Seventy percent of Gazans relying on humanitarian aid, with Israel's seige causing food and water insecurity, a decrease in health, and a severe impact on education and the ability for Gazans to develop their economy. Many aid organizations call the situation in Gaza "a humanitarian disaster."
  • Tens of thousands of people remaining homeless, many as a result of buildings and infrastructure destroyed by an Israeli attack in 2008. Construction supplies are limited by Israel, and only 7% of requested building materials have been allowed in.
  • Gazans banned from exporting goods of any kind, crippling the economy.
  • Sweeping restrictions in place on travel between Gaza and the West Bank, and the Rafah crossing remaining closed to most movement.

The Freedom Flotilla has already achieved success in pressuring Israel to allow the construction of 1,200 homes and 18 schools in Gaza, as a result of the worldwide attention last year's Freedom Flotilla placed on the situation in Gaza.

Long-time FOR leader and organizer of the 1947 Journey of Reconciliation, 95-year-old Rev. George Houser, wrote to the Freedom Flotilla participants and people of Gaza:

"I want to declare my solidarity with you in your struggle for freedom and independence. I, and many others, look with hope to the establishment of a a new state of Palestine. The Flotilla, to be on its way soon in June, is a nonviolent way of giving support to your aspirations. ... More strength to all of you in your struggle for complete freedom. I will be with the Flotilla in spirit."

Please join George Houser in supporting the Gaza Freedom Flotilla, with a message to President Obama.

Our hopes and prayers are with the people of Gaza and the passengers of the Freedom Flotilla as they sail forth. Open the gates!

Mark C. Johnson, Ph.D.
Executive Director
Fellowship of Reconciliation

P.S. Help us continue this work for freedom, justice, and reconciliation worldwide with your tax-deductible donation!

Fellowship of Reconciliation  |  P.O. Box 271, Nyack, NY 10960
for@forusa.org  |  www.forusa.org  |  (845) 358-4601

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