Fellowship of Reconciliation
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Fellowship of Reconciliation
Working for peace, justice and nonviolence since 1915

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The Fellowship of Reconciliation is excited to welcome four fellows and interns to our staff this fall. Hailing from Uganda, Liberia, and New York, these four individuals are offering a wealth of experience, passion, and new ideas to our common work for nonviolence, social justice, and peacemaking.

International Fellowship of Reconciliation job opening

The Fellowship of Reconciliation USA is part of the International Fellowship of Reconciliation, which has branches or affiliates in 51 countries.

IFOR is currently looking for a new International Coordinator. The position is based in Alkmaar, The Netherlands.

Because IFOR has taken a consistent stance against war and its preparation and is committed to active nonviolence, the International Coordinator is expected to have an understanding of and commitment to pacifism and faith-based active nonviolence. He/she is expected to articulate, promote and practice the values of nonviolence in all IFOR activities and partnerships and to nurture the spirit of fellowship among IFOR staff and affiliated groups and organizations.

Application deadline: October 20

Download the full job description (PDF), or contact
for more information.

We encourage you to circulate this job description to anyone whom you think would make a good candidate. An online version of the job description for linking or forwarding can be found on our blog.

These internships were made possible by FOR-USA's partnerships with several organizations: the Community Solutions Program of the International Research & Exchanges Board (IREX); Union Theological Seminary's Office of Integrative and Field-Based Education; and Nyack College. FOR also wishes to thank the Metta Center for Nonviolence for enabling a summer internship in our Oakland, California office.

Having recently said farewell to our summer interns -- Dana Livingston, Sam Pearse, and Yasi Sherbaf -- we invite you to help us welcome Ricky Anywar, Matthew Arlyck, Abel Learwellie, and Gabriella Woo to FOR! If you feel moved to do so, please leave them a message of support on our blog!

Ricky Richard Anywar is a human rights and peace-building activist, educator, and administrator. He has worked with Uganda's ministry of education and sports and has served as project advisor to community-based organizations in peace building, income generation, health, education, arts and culture, and economic development. He is the founder/executive director of Friends of Orphans, a child-focused nonprofit organization dealing with former child soldiers, abductees, orphans, child mothers, and vulnerable women heading families.

Ricky has experience in working with disadvantaged communities, war- and HIV/AIDS-affected communities, and internally displaced persons. He is an honoree board member of Peacing it Together Foundation, a U.S. nonprofit, and on the advisory board of End Slavery Now, an organization based in the U.S. working with former slaves. Ricky holds degrees in development studies from Kyambogo University and in business administration from Uganda College of Commerce Kabale.

Matthew Arlyck was born and raised in Poughkeepsie, NY, the child of a Jewish-American father and a French Catholic mother raised in Algeria. He graduated from Vassar College in 1998 with a degree in religious studies, and then worked in different social service and education positions, including a counseling program for Brooklyn middle school students, a family-centered drug crisis center, an independent teaching artist in Brooklyn public schools, and an assistant teacher in a Montessori preschool.

Matthew is currently pursuing an M.Div. degree at Union Theological Seminary in New York City; he plans a career in chaplaincy and is committed to building peace and justice initiatives through interfaith collaboration -- his internship at FOR is a continuation of that commitment. Matthew is recently married; he and his wife celebrated their one-year anniversary in June 2011.

B. Abel Learwellie is a program officer at the Lutheran Church in Liberia's Trauma Healing and Reconciliation Program who works throughout his country with community members and those affected by conflict to seek peaceful coexistence, healing, and reconciliation. Many of the programs Abel works on target the communities' most at-risk members, including child soldiers, war-affected youth, and women who have been raped.

Abel is directly responsible for monitoring and evaluating program impact. He has 12 years of experience working on these types of initiatives, and is interested in organizing violence awareness campaigns in Liberia upon return home from his work in the United States with the IREX Community Solutions Program.

Gabriella Woo is a graduating senior at Nyack College, completing her degree in Cross Cultural Studies. Gabriella transferred to Nyack College from the University of Maryland, where she had majored in English. Her career focus is in community development, particularly as it impacts the Latina/o community in the United States.

Gabriella writes, "My heart for community activism started when I worked part-time at George Washington University in its health information partnership as a data analyst."

Gabriella is interning at FOR during the fall of 2011 in the Organizational Advancement and Communications department.

If you'd like to leave a message of support for our new interns, you can do so on our blog.

Fellowship of Reconciliation  |  P.O. Box 271, Nyack, NY 10960
for@forusa.org  |  www.forusa.org  |  (845) 358-4601

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