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Fellowship of Reconciliation
Working for peace, justice and nonviolence since 1915

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We invite you to join us next week, from Monday to Friday, for an online dialogue on the intersections between faith-based peacekeeping and gender. The discussion will feature, among other presenters, José de Vries, Isabelle Geuskens, Dorothy Attema and Merle Gosewinkel of the International Fellowship of Reconciliation's Women Peacemakers Program, Rabbi Lynn Gottlieb, co-founder of Shomer Shalom Institute for Jewish Nonviolence, and Chaplain Rabia Terri Harris, founder of the Muslim Peace Fellowship.

This discussion will be hosted by the International Fellowship of Reconciliation's Women Peacemakers Program, in collaboration with New Tactics in Human Rights.

How the online dialogue works

Anyone can participate! The dialogue is held online in a discussion forum format. Featured guests pose questions and ideas for discussion, and participate in the conversation that develops. All conversation is held online and archived, so you can read through it after the fact.

In order to participate in the online dialogue, you will have to register at the New Tactics website. Registration is free.

Once you're registered, simply visit the dialogue page at any time between next Monday and Friday and join in the conversation!

Who will be participating

  • José de Vries, Isabelle Geuskens, Dorothy Attema and Merle Gosewinkel of the International Fellowship of Reconciliation's Women Peacemakers Program, The Netherlands
  • Jamila Bougalef, project coordinator for Faith Matters, United Kingdom
  • Patricia Ackerman, Axial 20/20, United States
  • Bridget Osakwe, activist working on faith-based peacebuilding, Nigeria
  • Rabbi Lynn Gottlieb, co-founder of the Shomer Shalom Institute for Jewish Nonviolence, United States
  • Hana Kirreh, long term activists and member of IFOR group Wi'am, Middle East
  • Rebecca Gerome and Sarah Masters, International Action Network on Small Arms (IANSA), United Kingdom
  • Chaplain Rabia Terri Harris, founder of the Muslim Peace Fellowship, and Muslim Elder of the Community of Living Traditions at Stony Point, United States
  • Mary Liepold and Kim Weichel, Peace X Peace, United States
  • Sarmila Shrestha, public interest lawyer, human rights and social justice, Nepal
  • Mekka Abdelgabar, Ted Strop, Farida Pattisahusiwa, Janne Poort-van Eeden, and Joke Hartmans, The Platform Women and Sustainable Peace, The Netherlands

What we'll discuss

The role of religion in conflict and peacebuilding, the rise of religious fundamentalism, and the threat this poses for women's human rights are issues receiving increasing attention. IFOR/WPP and its partners have been exploring the link between gender, religion and (inter)faith-based peacebuilding, including the positive role religion can play in promoting peacebuilding, and human and women's rights.

  • What are some of the major obstacles in relation to gender equality posed by religion?
  • How are women's rights specifically affected in this regard?
  • Which strategies are used by women activists to overcome those obstacles (best practices)?
  • Which positive dimensions do religion and spirituality bring to women's lives?
  • What specific obstacles and advances in terms of the Women, Peace and Security (WPS) Resolutions can be found in faith-based peacebuilding contexts and initiatives?

This dialogue is an opportunity for those involved in faith-based and interfaith-based peacebuilding and gender work, as well as those interested in it, to discuss these questions and share experiences.

"We do not want to choose between religion and women's rights. We need to claim our right to redefine religion, bring out its positive aspects in women's lives, and strategize against the negative practices that are being justified on the basis of religion." --participant of the IFOR/WPP consultation on faith-based peacebuilding and gender, Cyprus, 2010

Please bookmark the web page now, and join us next week for this compelling online discussion!

Mark C. Johnson, Ph.D.
Executive Director
Fellowship of Reconciliation

Fellowship of Reconciliation  |  P.O. Box 271, Nyack, NY 10960
for@forusa.org  |  www.forusa.org  |  (845) 358-4601

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