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Fellowship of Reconciliation
Task Force on Latin America and the Caribbean

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Tomatoes, Bases, and Wall Street in Miami

The BasicsSusana Pimiento, FOR
Over twelve inches of rain poured on Miami over the Columbus Day weekend - not unusual for this time of year. Yet the rain didn’t stop the farm workers rallying for better wages, the antiwar activists raising awareness of militarization and waste taking place in their doorsteps nor workers, immigrants, students who articulated their discontent and joined with the Occupy Wall Street movement.
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Gen. Javier Fernández LealConnecting the Dots: Colombian Army officers and civilian killings

John Lindsay-Poland, FOR
A Colombian Army officer charged with multiple civilian killings, known as “false positives,” this month publicly charged the commander of the U.S.-assisted unit – General Javier Fernández Leal - with collaborating in the killings. Fernández Leal has been promoted to chief of joint intelligence for the Colombian military.
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Job-Killing Trade Deals Pass Congress Amidst Record Democratic Opposition

Lori Wallach, Public Citizen's Trade Watch
With 9 percent unemployment and Americans desperate for job creation, it is unconscionable that President Obama and House Republicans just shoved through a trio of NAFTA-style job-killing trade agreements that even the government’s own studies show will increase the U.S. trade deficit. This represents a complete flip-flop for President Obama, who won crucial swing states by pledging to overhaul our flawed trade policies. So, it is no surprise that a sizeable majority of Democrats in Congress voted against these agreements, against Obama and for American jobs.
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Accompaniment is a Delicate Beast

Gina Spigarelli, FOR Colombia Team
When Isaac came from Bogotá for a week to work with us and visit his old stomping grounds of La Union, our normal routine changed. We talked about things happening far away from the peace community on the hill and we spent time hanging out in houses we rarely visit. We talked about how accompaniment is a delicate beast and how living in the community while simultaneously keeping a professional distance from the inhabitants makes for some fuzzy relationship lines. One evening as the rain fell softly outside, Isaac blew our minds with magic card tricks on the hard wood floor of a neighbor’s house.
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Child in San JoséSan José Peace Community Slide Show

Agostín Fernández Gabard
A beautiful three-minute slide show of pictures of the Peace Community of San José de Apartadó, taken by Uruguayan photographer Agostín Fernández Gabard. The titles are in Spanish, but the images speak volumes without words. See the slide show.

Webinar on Sleuthing U.S. Militarism from Official Sources

How do you get information on U.S. arms sales to the Middle East, or U.S. military assistance in Honduras? Is it more important to find documents or talk with someone? Veteran researchers Adam Isacson of the Washington Office on Latin America and Lora Lumpe of the Open Society Institute will share their knowledge and experience, with lots of questions and discussion, facilitated by FOR’s John Lindsay-Poland. The first in a series, participation is limited to 25 people, and only a few slots are open. Thursday, October 27, 3 pm Eastern - Register for this free webinar

Workshops at Fort Benning Vigil

Research Skills on SOA and U.S. Militarism
Fri. November 18, 4:30 - 6:00 pm, Conference Ctr. Room 201
Presenter: John Lindsay-Poland

Resisting Militarization from Colombia to Mexico
Sat. November 19, 9:00 pm, Conference Ctr. Room
Presenters: Rev. Shannan Vance-Ocampo, Presbyterian Peace Fellowship; Chris Courtheyn and John Lindsay-Poland, FOR.
Read more about participating in the SOA Vigil.

FOR Task Force on Latin America and the Caribbean
436 14th St. #409, Oakland, CA 94612  |  (510) 763-1403

Fellowship of Reconciliation  |  P.O. Box 271, Nyack, NY 10960
for@forusa.org  |  www.forusa.org  |  (845) 358-4601

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