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Fellowship of Reconciliation
Working for peace, justice and nonviolence since 1915

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Dear Friends,

Each day, gun violence sweeps across communities snatching lives and fueling the militarization of the globe. We are forced to live under gun laws dictated by the NRA and the pro-gun lobby. The current gun laws are foolish, fatal and fueled by corporate greed and profit.

As a fellowship, we can put an end to the profits made from a culture of violence as we work toward a demilitarized, just and peaceful society and world. To do this, a new strategy is being added to our current efforts: An economic lever, developed by the National Gun Victims Action Council.

  • Join us for a call to discuss this economic lever against gun violence next Tuesday at 3:00 PM Eastern, 12 noon Pacific. Just reply to this email to RSVP!

The National Gun Victims Action Council (NGAC) is a network of 14 million gun violence victims, survivors, their families and friends, faith leaders and ordinary people using our economic leverage -- our buying power -- to demand sane gun laws now, laws that protect life and protect public safety.

Watch a short video from Mark Johnson, executive director of FOR, about this new economic leverage strategy:

Watch the video on Vimeo

Quick reads on gun violence

The FOR family is deeply engaged in the struggle to cease gun violence in our communities.

With people on the frontlines in cities such as New York City and Chicago, we are building intergenerational communities founded upon cultural transformation, community renewal and skill-building. This has been proven to shift the demand and reliance on firearms, and can decrease the thousands of murders present where economic and educational opportunities are systematically restricted each year.

Along the U.S.-Mexico border, we are working to halt the flow of U.S. firearms into Mexico, because we know that they are later used to support the drug and resource trades and slaughter innocent bystanders. Through Heeding God's Call, FOR engages an increasingly interfaith network in establishing a code of conduct for "legal" arms dealers. Combined with the economic lever we have a well-rounded menu of models and evolving strategy to halt the taking and changing of lives that results from gun violence.

Join us for a conversation on ending gun violence next Tuesday:

Next Tuesday, Nov. 2
3:00 PM Eastern/12:00 noon Pacific
RSVP by replying to this email

On the call will be Elliot Fineman, CEO of the National Gun Victims Action Council, and Rick Ufford-Chase of the Presbyterian Peace Fellowship. Elliot and Rick will be discussing this new economic leverage strategy, Heeding God's Call, a Starbucks boycott campaign, and borderlands work

Together, we have the resources and power to save lives! Please join FOR and partners in the work to end the culture of violence, demand sane gun laws and stop the gun lobby from controlling the future of our safety. Your support and participation in the new economic lever strategy will strengthen the backbone of the many efforts for sane gun laws and peaceful communities.

We encourage you to visit FOR and NGAC for more information on the strategies for demilitarization and sane gun laws. And reply to this email now to RSVP for the Tuesday afternoon phone call.

FOR Justice, Peace and Solidarity,

Shauen V. T. Pearce
Director of the Program Department
Task Force on Social, Economic and Racial Justice

Fellowship of Reconciliation  |  P.O. Box 271, Nyack, NY 10960
for@forusa.org  |  www.forusa.org  |  (845) 358-4601

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