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Fellowship of Reconciliation
Working for peace, justice and nonviolence since 1915

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As the autumn holidays approach, we'd like to share with you some news of local FOR chapters and affiliates working for peace and justice across the country.

Donate to FOR How will you be working for peace this fall? Reply to this email and let us know, so we can spread the word about your good work online and with other chapters! And, of course, we invite you to make a contribution to FOR so we can continue to support local groups nationwide.

For even more news about FOR chapters and supporters, we invite you to download the fall issue of our Witness newsletter (PDF). Thank you for all the work you do!

'Poems for Peace' contest for young people in Tuscaloosa, Ala.

Circles of Peace

Peace poems suggested as inspiration to writers, from Circles of Peace:

The Circles of Peace FOR group in Tuscaloosa, Ala., was started just a year ago and has already organized a bimonthly book club exploring interfaith issues. "Our community has a strong need for increased education about nonviolent solutions to conflict resolution," they write.

"We are hoping to build strong ties with local schools, campus groups, veterans' groups, and home-schooling cooperatives so that we can extend and explore our educational mission on peace and nonviolence together."

This fall, Circles of Peace has initiated "Poems for Peace," a poetry contest for young people in the Tuscaloosa area. Two prizes of $200 will be given to young poets, one between ages 6 and 13, and one in high school or between ages 14 and 18. Entries can be emailed to mrsalina@me.com.

The topic of the poems requested is "peace and peacemaking in our individual and communal lives." Winners will be announced on Nov. 24. For more information, visit Circles of Peace online.

Chapter spotlight: Minnesota FOR and Students FOR Peace

Minnesota FOR Duane Cady, professor of philosophy emeritus at Hamline, writes: Minnesota FOR dates back to the early 1940s, when Minneapolis and St. Paul members formed a group to engage in anti-war activity. The group acted both as a local group and as a coordinating committee for FOR members throughout Minnesota; it continues in both roles today, often acting together with area organizations.

Minnesota FOR has always been strong in its opposition to war, from World War II through the Korean War, the war in Vietnam, the Gulf War, and more recently wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and the many U.S. military interventions throughout the world over the past seven decades, especially in Latin America. Minnesota FOR also has been involved in the civil rights movement, active in efforts to diffuse Cold War tensions, and supportive of efforts to close the School of the Americas and to ban land mines. In the '90s, Minnesota FOR brokered sponsorship of three Bosnian student-refugees, bringing them to three Minnesota universities.

For the past two decades, Minnesota FOR has been strong in support of nonviolence trainings, extending dozens of scholarships for national FOR Peacemaker Trainings and launching our own regional nonviolence trainings 15 years ago. For the past few years, we have partnered with Creating a Culture of Peace to sponsor nonviolence trainings in the area.

Hamline Students FOR Peace grew out of Hamline Peace Advocates, a longstanding campus peace group at Hamline University in St. Paul, MN, and affiliated with national FOR about 15 years ago. Our group focus has always been peace education: bringing peace and justice issues to the attention of students and faculty through speakers, petitions, demonstrations, peace theatre, film, and nonviolent direct action. Membership has been as large as 50 and as small as five, with programs drawing as many as 500 or as few as a dozen. The challenge each year is to gather peace activists for mutual support, establish leadership through the transitions of student change, and set a course for the year's activities.

For more information about Minnesota FOR or Students FOR Peace, contact Duane at dcady@gw.hamline.edu or visit Minnesota FOR online.

New FOR groups in Alabama, Texas, Massachusetts and Washington

In addition to Circles of Peace FOR in Tuscaloosa, Ala., we'd like to welcome our new FOR groups:

  • Tarrant County FOR in Ft. Worth/North Richmod Hills, Texas, a new FOR chapter
  • New England Peace Pagoda, in Leverett, Mass. and online, a new FOR affiliate
  • Global Days of Listening, based in Washington State but working online with Afghan Youth Peace Volunteers, Afghans for Peace, Voices for Creative Nonviolence, Veterans for Peace, the Iraqi and American Reconciliation Project, September 11 Families for Peaceful Tomorrows, Friends Without Borders -- and FOR, as a new affiliate.

Wondering if there's an FOR chapter or affiliate near you? Browse our directory of FOR groups!

FOR's Shadowcliff recovers from hurricane

In August, FOR's historic Nyack, NY, headquarters known as Shadowcliff sustained significant damage as a result of the powerful rain and winds from Hurricane Irene. Damage to the 1920s-era mansion's roof and minor flooding in the basement was accompanied by the uprooting of several trees on our property.

A big thank-you to all those who answered our appeal in September!

Donate to FOR The steady rains of the fall have made their way through various parts of our roof, leaking into our offices and further weakening our building’s infrastructure. Estimated costs for the combined tree removal, office and temporary roof repair total $13,000. As our building approaches 90 years of service, we anticipate a full roof replacement will be necessary, costing an additional estimated $40,000.

We appeal to you, our members and supporters, to make a special gift to our Building Repair Fund. Make an online tax-deductible donation now (just put "Building Repair Fund" in the "in honor of name" field) or send your check to Building Repair Fund, FOR, P.O. Box 271, Nyack, NY 10960. Thank you for your continuing support!

Fellowship of Reconciliation  |  P.O. Box 271, Nyack, NY 10960
for@forusa.org  |  www.forusa.org  |  (845) 358-4601

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