Fellowship of Reconciliation
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Fellowship of Reconciliation
Working for peace, justice and nonviolence since 1915

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We're so thankful for all of your support and hard work for peace, justice and nonviolence in 2011.

 Scott Kennedy:
A Tribute

We remember, honor and are sincerely grateful for the tireless work of Scott Kennedy, who passed away this week.

Scott was a former FOR National Council chairperson, long-time leader of FOR's Middle East work, current board chair of Interfaith Peace-Builders, recipient of FOR's 2010 Pfeffer International Peace Prize, former mayor of Santa Cruz, California, and so much more.

We are incredibly thankful for Scott's life and leadership for justice, and mourn his untimely death.

Read reflections on Scott's impact from FOR Director Mark Johnson and IFPB's Program Coordinator Mike Daly.

FOR supporters from around the country have inspired us with their tireless efforts for a better world, this year, and so we just wanted to say thanks. We're not asking for anything from you, just writing to express our gratitude.

Thank you for broadening your work of peace and justice to include concerns for the Earth and climate change. On a day when we celebrate the abundance of creation and its blessings, we see so many recognizing the responsibility to understand threats to a healthy environment and sustainable future. (You can join an online chat on this topic next Wednesday.)

Thank you for petitioning for a halt to gun trafficking from the United States into Mexico, building on years of work around U.S. policy, human rights and Latin America.

 Thank you for helping us get the FOR comic book "Martin Luther King and the Memphis Story" re-printed in English and Spanish -- and shortly in Arabic. And a special thanks to Dalia Ziada and her colleagues at the American Islamic Congress for translating the comic into Arabic and Farsi in the first place, and for their efforts to distribute it around the Middle East as a resource on active nonviolence.

Thank you for sending us photos (with just 24 hours notice!) for our digital billboard promoting peace and nonviolence in Times Square for more than a month.

Thank you to the many hundreds of FOR members and friends who hosted FOR Executive Director Mark Johnson this past year during his tours of the country. The concept of fellowship is alive and well in our organizational name, and these local expressions of hospitality have led to new FOR chapters and local affiliates being formed.

With thanksgiving, and in peace,

Mark, Hillary, Shauen, John, Susana, Leila, Liza, Ethan, Jonette, Linda, Nicole, Ivan, Karen, Mary, Tom and Meredith, staff of the Fellowship of Reconciliation

FOR on Facebook

 If you're not already a friend, please join our page on Facebook! We post exclusive peace and justice content, links to other organizations and individuals doing good work, and "Voices FOR Peace" from those working for a better world. Please join us!

Fellowship of Reconciliation  |  P.O. Box 271, Nyack, NY 10960
for@forusa.org  |  www.forusa.org  |  (845) 358-4601

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