Fellowship of Reconciliation
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Fellowship of Reconciliation
Working for peace, justice and nonviolence since 1915

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 If you are planning a local event to celebrate Martin Luther King, Jr. Day this coming January, now is the time to order the Fellowship of Reconciliation's historic comic book, Martin Luther King and the Montgomery Story. Reprinted this year from its original 1958 version, we thank FOR members for your generous support toward its reproduction in English and Spanish.

The comic book makes a perfect handout for any event celebrating the life and accomplishments of Dr. King. Also, its depiction of the nonviolent methods used by Rev. Dr. King, Rosa Parks, and many other civil rights activists that led to the integration of Montgomery, Alabama's buses in 1956 provides a timeless resource for anyone looking to understand active nonviolence and peaceful protest -- both in a historical context and in planning actions for today's justice movements.

Interfaith Holiday Cards

It is not too late to order your special holiday cards from FOR! Purchase unique peace-centered and multi-faith greeting cards from FOR, so that you can send messages of reconciliation and understanding to your friends and family during this special season.

Browse our selection and order today!

Orders must be received by December 28, 2011 in order to be shipped in time for the holiday observed on January 16, 2012. Orders of up to 10 copies of the comic book may be made through FOR's online store; for larger orders, please download and mail in the discounted bulk order form (PDF).

Witness the example of FOR member Ellie Shacter: a former FOR regional secretary in the 1950s, she was in Montgomery, staying with the King family, on the day the buses were desegregated. When FOR published its comic book in 1958, Ellie gave away thousands of copies to local people around the country.

Since FOR reprinted it this year, Ellie has done it again: she is currently planning to distribute thousands more comics this coming month in the San Diego area, including at a Martin Luther King Day Breakfast, to a local black ministerial action group, to a Quaker meeting program called "Alternatives to Violence," and more. Learn more about Ellie's personal connection to the Montgomery story.

We invite you to place your order now for Martin Luther King and the Montgomery Story, and help spread the message of nonviolent action in your community!

Fellowship of Reconciliation  |  P.O. Box 271, Nyack, NY 10960
for@forusa.org  |  www.forusa.org  |  (845) 358-4601

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