Fellowship of Reconciliation
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Fellowship of Reconciliation
Working for peace, justice and nonviolence since 1915

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Growing up in Tehran, Iran, I understood the institutionalization of violence because of war. I experienced war with all its bitterness: My childhood is filled with memories of bombs and missiles, chemical attacks and burns, destruction and loss, shelters and refugees, violence, violence, and again violence.

Leila Zand

THANK YOU for your past support of the Fellowship of Reconciliation.

With your tax-deductible donation, FOR can continue to be a voice for peace and justice worldwide.

Join me in continuing to support FOR's work with your year-end donation.

You may also donate by check by mailing it to:
P.O. Box 271
Nyack, NY 10960

After eight years of war, peace didn’t emerge easily. My life, and the lives of all those around me, was forever impacted by the outcomes of war: reconstruction, forced migration, poverty, and violence. Growing up in a fractured society was the only souvenir of war for my generation.

On Sept. 11, 2001, a new form of violence was introduced to me, just a year after I immigrated to the United States.

As a new resident of this land, I lived in New York City, and experienced with millions of others the trauma of those terrible attacks. That tragedy was soon followed by the invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan, which brought a new version of violence to my attention. The news was filled with bombs, missiles, killings, and destruction. None of these were new to me, but it was different to listen and imagine the war instead of experiencing it in person.

This time I was away from the center of bombs and missiles, but my heart was there in Kabul and Baghdad. My heart was with the women, with the mothers crying and mourning for their kids. I couldn’t be quiet: I knew what are they going through, I realized. I had been there myself not long ago!

I should let others know, I should share my voice with those who want to know.

As a Middle Eastern woman dreaming to share my desire for peace and nonviolence, I found the Fellowship of Reconciliation -- an organization rich with nearly 100 years of history being a voice of the voiceless, an advocate of nonviolent action, a believer in the power of reconciliation and friendship.

You've supported FOR in the past, support for which I'm very grateful. Please join with me in continuing your support of FOR with a year-end, tax-deductible donation today.

I chose to share my story with FOR. I chose FOR’s window through which I could meet and know others, and FOR’s family to build bridges of understanding. I joined FOR to share my story and the stories of other Middle Eastern people and our aspiration for nonviolence. Through FOR, I have sought to share their love, pain, faith, and desire for peace.

Please help the Fellowship of Reconciliation continue to give voice to the voiceless and build bridges of understanding with your donation.

Help us at FOR to keep this window of hope open to all our sisters and brothers in Iran, Afghanistan, Iraq, Israel, Palestine, Syria, Bahrain, Egypt, the Persian Gulf -- as well as on behalf of our brothers and sisters here in the United States -- and to all our brothers and sisters at the only home we have, our planet Earth.

Make your tax-deductible donation to FOR this last week of 2011, and support building peace and justice in 2012 and beyond.


Leila Zand
Program Director, Middle East & Civilian Diplomacy
Fellowship of Reconciliation

P.S. If you want your tax-deductible donation to count for 2011 purposes, be sure to make an online donation before the end of Saturday! You may also mail us a donation by check to FOR, P.O. Box 271, Nyack, NY 10960. Donations postmarked by Dec. 31 may be counted as part of your 2011 tax-deductible contributions.

Fellowship of Reconciliation  |  P.O. Box 271, Nyack, NY 10960
for@forusa.org  |  www.forusa.org  |  (845) 358-4601

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