Fellowship of Reconciliation
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Fellowship of Reconciliation
Working for peace, justice and nonviolence since 1915

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We'd like to invite you to a special downtown open mic night next week, in honor of civil rights and celebrating peaceful civil disobedience. And you can be a part of it -- read on!

Gandhi, King and Leymah Gbowee: peaceful pioneers in India, the United States and Liberia

Participate in this event!

Share your stories, songs, and music with the community!

This special Civil Rights-themed event calls for an exploration and celebration of nonviolent disobedience, and the movements this activism nurtures. What is nonviolent activism? How is it practiced locally today and in the past?

We are seeking individuals and groups that find inspiration in the works of Martin Luther King, Jr., the Civil Rights movement, Gandhi, and similar activism.

Your participation may include a speech, song, dance, poetry, performance act, or any combination of the above. Please contact Michelle I. Ponce at 602-281-0697 or tacubando@yahoo.com to register.

This free event will feature live musical performances, spoken word and dialogue:

Thursday, Jan. 19, 6:30 PM
ASU A.E. England Building
Civic Space Park
424 N Central Ave, Phoenix, AZ

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Local organizations and nonprofits will commemorate the United States' own history of civil rights, the legacy of Martin Luther King, Jr. and peaceful movements worldwide. The goal of this event is to celebrate and educate with the community on the work of Martin Luther King, Jr., other figures of nonviolent movements, and the tradition of peaceful civil disobedience.

The host and MC for the evening is Transformational Facilitator for Creative Interchange Ahmad Daniels.

Featuring performances by:

  • Queen of Queens' Band Project: A Queen of Queens’ Production
  • Miouo Nance, poet
  • The Positive Vibes: Collette Mabingani, bass; Elliot Sneider, keyboard; James McKenzie, drums
  • Talima Flores
  • Joelskii the Poet
  • and more!

Art on display by:

  • Adam Strange
  • and more!

Sponsored by the Civic Space Park Collaboration, ASU Student Engagement, ASU Taylor Place, Black Graduate Student Association of ASU, Public Allies of Arizona, ASU Downtown Campus Student Engagement, and Fair Trade Café.

See you next Thursday!

Fellowship of Reconciliation  |  P.O. Box 271, Nyack, NY 10960
for@forusa.org  |  www.forusa.org  |  (845) 358-4601

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