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Fellowship of Reconciliation
Working for peace, justice and nonviolence since 1915

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Show your love for humanity this Valentine's Day by joining FOR, the National Gun Victims Action Council, and allies in boycotting Starbucks!

Take Action

  • Don't buy from Starbucks!
  • Disinvest your stocks from Starbucks.
  • Join the national event on Facebook, where we'll post links to local events.
  • Host a demonstration! We will send you a launch kit and connect you to others. Reply to this email for more information.
  • Spread the word: share this alert and send the press release to your local media.
  • Host a teach-in about Starbucks' support of the pro-gun agenda.
  • Like the National Gun Victims Action Council on Facebook.

Why Starbucks? Recent actions have revealed Starbucks' tacit support of the NRA's pro-gun agenda -- which we hold responsible for the current epidemic of U.S. gun violence.

Yesterday, Rep. Gabrielle Giffords resigned from Congress, citing her need to recuperate from major injuries sustained one year ago, when she and 18 other innocent victims were shot in Tucson, Arizona. Gun violence claimed the lives of six people at Congresswoman Gifford's event that day, and more than 30,000 lives each year in the United States. Can you imagine a place where no lives are lost to gun violence? How about a country where students do not fear walking to school or being bullied?

The NRA has lobbied for "open carry" gun policies nationwide. But thanks to pressure from anti-violence activists, many restaurants and companies now refuse to let people enter their stores with guns openly displayed. Yet Starbucks has resisted this safety campaign, and its support of the NRA's pro-gun agenda proves that Starbucks is not the socially responsible company it claims to be.

On February 14, our national coalition will launch the first phase of the Starbucks Boycott with demonstrations outside of Starbucks across the country!

Join us and organize your community to demand sensible gun laws.

Together we can prevent the pain of losing more loved ones and can stand with survivors of gun violence. Together we will stop the flow of guns into cities like Chicago, Philadelphia, New York, Oakland, New Orleans, Cincinnati, L.A., and even Juarez.

Let's build on the momentum of the past year of amazing grassroots organizing and activism by showing Starbucks that we expect more from their presence in our communities and that we demand true social responsibility.

Together we will make it happen. Watch this special video on FOR's partnership with the National Gun Victims Action Council and our strategy to end the attacks on the lives of innocent people.

Join the boycott of Starbucks today!

Shauen V.T. Pearce
Program Director
FOR Task Force on Social, Economic and Racial Justice

Mark C. Johnson, Ph.D.
Executive Director
Fellowship of Reconciliation

P.S. If you're on Facebook, be sure to join the national event on Facebook, where we'll also be posting links to local events.

Fellowship of Reconciliation  |  P.O. Box 271, Nyack, NY 10960
for@forusa.org  |  www.forusa.org  |  (845) 358-4601

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