Fellowship of Reconciliation
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Fellowship of Reconciliation
Working for peace, justice and nonviolence since 1915

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With spring approaching, FOR staff, National Council members, and other leaders are getting out of the office and taking to the streets! We are heading out around the country to lead workshops, speak at conferences, visit local chapters and more.

Nominations to FOR's National Council now being accepted

National Council and FOR staff, February 2012 (click to enlarge).

Twelve members of the Fellowship of Reconciliation's National Council are elected from nominations by local chapters, religious peace fellowships and affiliated organizations.

Local FOR chapters in the Northwest, Mid-Atlantic and Midwest regions are invited to recommend a candidate to the National Council. Chapters in the Southeast, Northeast and Southwest will be invited to do so in 2013.

Religious peace fellowships and affiliated organizations that are not currently represented on the National Council are also invited to recommend a candidate.

To be eligible, candidates must have been a member of FOR or a religious peace fellowship for at least one year.

National Council terms are three years; each year there are three in-person meetings at the FOR headquarters in Nyack, NY. Council members are expected to serve on a program task force and administrative committee, give financially and encourage others to do so, and bring skills to the National Council -- this is a "working board."

Please submit any candidates to ncnominations@forusa.org by March 30. If you have any questions, you can contact us at that address as well.

Here are some of the places you’ll find us in the coming weeks -- if you’re not nearby, we would welcome an invitation to visit your community too! Just reply to this email and let us know.


New York, NY: March 16-18, Left Forum. Program director Leila Zand speaking on "Our Responsibility to Prevent War with Iran" panel. View more information. View on Facebook.

Occupy Church - Matthew 5:44

Oakland, CA: March 20-22, Occupy Faith national gathering. Program director John Lindsay-Poland, Freeman Fellow Michael Harrington, and seminarian intern Matthew Arlyck will represent FOR at a national consultation of faith-based groups connected to the Occupy movement, locally and nationally. View more information.

Atlanta, GA: March 22-27, International FOR meeting. Executive director Mark Johnson and program director Susana Pimiento, National Council member Lucas Johnson, past NC chairperson Lili Baxter, and IFOR international coordinator Francesco Candelari join 10 other IFOR global leaders for this important annual meeting. A public event on Saturday evening, March 24, offers our members and friends the opportunity to welcome these international guests.

Say no to the wars and poverty agenda of the G8 and NATO!

Stamford, CT: March 23-25, United National Antiwar Coalition conference. Program director Leila Zand, NC member and anti-war veteran activist Jim Murphy, and long-time FOR interfaith leader Rabbi Lynn Gottlieb will represent FOR at the "Say No to the G8 & NATO War and Poverty Agenda" national conference. View more information.

New York, NY: March 29, FOR Freeman fellow Rev. Osagyefo Uhuru Sekou discusses his new book, Gods, Gays, and Guns with Cornel West. View more information.


Sebastián PatiñoSoutheastern United States: April 9-26, Colombian conscientious objector tour. Sebastián Patiño, a member of the Bogota-based Conscientious Objectors' Collective Action group, will tour several U.S. states. Organized and accompanied by FOR program director Susana Pimiento, events are scheduled in North Carolina, the District of Columbia, Georgia, Florida, Tennessee and Kentucky. Please complete this online interest form if you'd like Sebastián to speak in your community!

Washington, DC: April 20-22, Interfaith Moral Action on Climate. FOR Executive Director Mark Johnson, other faith community leaders, and justice activists join together in the nation's capital to mobilize for urgent action on the climate change crisis.

Fellowship of Reconciliation  |  P.O. Box 271, Nyack, NY 10960
for@forusa.org  |  www.forusa.org  |  (845) 358-4601

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