Fellowship of Reconciliation
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Fellowship of Reconciliation
Working for peace, justice and nonviolence since 1915

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Dear Friends,

Norouz mubarak! Norouz is the Persian/Iranian New Year. It represents love, life, and freedom. Norouz, which begins today, is based in the renewal of the earth. But crippling sanctions and the daily threat of war are not giving Iranian families the best opportunity to celebrate the rebirth of nature with our generous Mother Earth.

Norouz 2012 greeting

Help us prevent war with Iran: Chip in $5 to support our campaign. Please put "Iran Norouz" in the "In Honor Of" field. Thanks!

This Norouz, join with the Fellowship of Reconciliation; join hands with our Mother Earth to call for respect for life and rebirth. This Norouz join FOR to say Yes to Life and No to Death and Destruction.

Join the Fellowship of Reconciliation by contacting your congressional representatives to invite them to celebrate Norouz with you. Invite them to respect our Mother Earth’s demand for peace among all of her children.

This Norouz is an opportunity for a call for diplomacy. With the renewal of the earth, our politicians can revisit their policy on Iran. Call or write your representatives in the House of Representatives and the Senate:

  • Our allies at FCNL have provided a toll-free number for this purpose: 855-NO WAR (855-688-6927)

Urge your legislators to respect life by finding ways to support diplomacy with Iran rather than issuing threats of war and increasing sanctions.

Download supporting materials from FOR's website. We have assembled several resources into one simple and downloadable PDF document to help you engage your congressional representatives' offices by phone, mail, or email. You will find talking points on the political conflict between our nations, a fact sheet on Iran, and a recent statement by FOR on Iran.

We also encourage our supporters to support the campaign against war with Iran being led by United for Peace and Justice, of which FOR is a national endorsing organizational member, and to sign and join the Iran Pledge of Resistance initiative that UFPJ has launched.

Peace and salam,

Leila, Judy, and Mark on behalf of FOR's Task Force on the Middle East

P.S. Can you chip in $5 to support our campaign to prevent war with Iran? Please put "Iran Norouz" in the "In Honor Of" field -- thank you!

Fellowship of Reconciliation  |  P.O. Box 271, Nyack, NY 10960
for@forusa.org  |  www.forusa.org  |  (845) 358-4601

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