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Fellowship of Reconciliation
Working for peace, justice and nonviolence since 1915

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As you may know, FOR members have been playing key roles in planning for actions against NATO during their visit to Chicago next month, including a workshop series by FOR Chicago.

As part of that work, we're inviting you to join us in a conference call with Kathy Kelly -- coordinator of Voices for Creative Nonviolence and FOR Pfeffer Peace Prize recipient in 1999.

Eyewitness Kabul: Conference Call with Kathy Kelly
Sponsored by Peace Action
Wednesday, April 18, 9:00 PM Eastern, 6:00 PM Pacific
Call (712) 432-1690 and enter code 130282#

Kathy, who will also be speaking at the NATO counter-summit in Chicago, has traveled to Afghanistan five times in the past two years. She and Voices for Creative Nonviolence work closely with the Afghan Youth Peace Volunteers, a project supported by FOR since 2009, with key support from Olympia FOR through the Global Days of Listening project.

Kathy is also a frequent contributor to the FOR blog.

We hope you'll join us next Wednesday evening, as we hear from Kathy about the situation in Afghanistan and continuing work for peace and justice at the NATO counter-summit and around the world.

Host local events during the NATO and G-8 events

We encourage FOR supporters who can't make it to Chicago for the NATO events or to the protest of the G-8 at Camp David, MD, in May to host local events in your community.

The Network for a NATO-Free Future, of which FOR is an endorser, has put together a speakers bureau of individuals across the country who can be invited to local events. Speakers include:

  • Joseph Gerson (nationwide), National Disarmament Coordinator and New England Director of Programs for the American Friends Service Committee, on NATO.
  • Phyllis Bennis (DC area), director of the New Internationalism Project at the Institute for Policy Studies, on the G-8 and NATO.
  • Judith Le Blanc (New York City area), field director for Peace Action and a coordinator of the New Priorities Network, on the Move the Money campaign.
  • Tom Hayden (San Francisco Bay Area), long-time activist and writer for The Nation, on NATO.
  • Jordan Blevins (Kentucky), Ecumenical Peace Coordinator for the National Council of Churches USA and the Church of the Brethren, on the Move the Money Campaign.
  • Vijay Prashad (New England and New York), professor of international studies at Trinity College in Hartford, CT, and author of Arab Spring, Libyan Winter, on the G-8 and NATO.
  • Leah Bolger (Oregon), president of Veterans for Peace and 20-year veteran of the U.S. Navy, on the Move the Money Campaign.
  • David Wildman (New York City and northeast), executive secretary for human rights and racial justice at the General Board of Global Ministries of the United Methodist Church, on NATO.
  • Rick Rozoff (Illinois, Wisconsin and northwest Indiana), coordinator of Stop NATO, on NATO.
  • and many more!

If you decide to host a local event, please let us know by replying to this email or contacting communications@forusa.org, and we'll let other FOR supporters in your area know about it.

Top image: Kathy Kelly, by Flickr user artfulblogger, Creative Commons license.

Fellowship of Reconciliation  |  P.O. Box 271, Nyack, NY 10960
for@forusa.org  |  www.forusa.org  |  (845) 358-4601

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