Fellowship of Reconciliation
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Fellowship of Reconciliation
Working for peace, justice and nonviolence since 1915

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 While NATO -- the U.S.-led North Atlantic Treaty Organization -- prepares for more war and policies that benefit the 1% worldwide, peace and justice activists from around the country and the globe will be gathering to protest and discuss the alternatives. With President Obama moving to extend the war in Afghanistan to 2014 and beyond, NATO will play a key role.

A coalition of organizations, including the Fellowship of Reconciliation, is hosting a NATO-Free Future conference in Chicago next week, May 18-19, and you're invited!

As elites from NATO countries meet to plan war, we'll be participating in a Counter-Summit for Peace and Economic Justice. FOR's Mark Johnson (executive director), Shauen Pearce (program team director), Leila Zand (Middle East & civilian diplomacy director), and members of FOR's Chicago chapter will be there as participants. And featured speakers include:

  • William McNary, USA Action
  • Vijay Prashad, Trinity College
  • Sarita Gupta, Jobs with Justice
  • Tom Hayden, Peace and Justice Resource Center
  • Tobias Pflüger, Former Member of European Parliament
  • Suraia Sahar, Afghans for Peace
  • Phyllis Bennis, Institute for Policy Studies
  • And many more, including dozens of workshops!

Register for the counter-summit conference today!

Opposition to NATO is growing. Military veterans are returning their medals in resistance of the war and militarism the organization promotes. People across the United States are calling for spending on human needs instead of war. And instead of simply being a reactive protest, the counter-summit will build toward a new future free from militarism.

Interested in mobilizing your community for the counter-summit? War Resisters League and the Grassroots Global Justice Alliance have put together free curriculum for a participatory workshop to educate participants about NATO, the G-8 and militarism. Host an event early next week, and invite participants to join you on Friday and Saturday!

Join FOR Chicago for peacebuilding at Cornerstone Music Festival

FOR Chicago chairperson Rev. Sam Smith was disturbed for years by the prominent display of "Dominion Theology" as exemplified by Christian music bands who seemed to glorify themes of "Christian" violence through their band names, t-shirt graphics, and song lyrics. Rev. Smith felt called to represent the under-heard voice of Christian pacifism through FOR's I Will Not Kill campaign at the annual big Cornerstone Music Festival.

In July 2012, FOR Chicago will be at it again, spreading the good news of active nonviolence for the eighth consecutive year!

If you would like to help staff the I Will Not Kill booth at Cornerstone Music Festival in Bushnell, IL, at any point from July 2-7, please contact Rev. Smith at FORchicago@comcast.net or (630) 240-5039.

Fellowship of Reconciliation  |  P.O. Box 271, Nyack, NY 10960
for@forusa.org  |  www.forusa.org  |  (845) 358-4601

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