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Fellowship of Reconciliation
Working for peace, justice and nonviolence since 1915

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We hope you can join us for a pair of unique and arts-centered events supporting peacemaking in Palestine and the Middle East, both of which are sponsored by the Hudson Valley Fellowship of Reconciliation. Also, we highlight an upcoming "Sermon on the Mount" work camp hosted by our friends in the Bruderhof community, located in the upper Hudson Valley.

This Thursday: Palestinian theater founder speaks on "Beautiful Resistance"

Abdelfattah AbusrourDr. Abdelfattah Abusrour is the international award-winning founder of the Alrowwad Theater and Culture Center and president of the Palestinian Theater Association. He will speak at the Fellowship of Reconciliation in Nyack on promoting peace in Palestine through theater and art work with children in the Aida Refugee Camp in Bethlehem.

Thursday, May 24, 7:30 PM
Fellowship of Reconciliation
521 N. Broadway, Nyack, NY
Get directions to this event.

He calls his program "Beautiful Resistance," saying, "We do not have the luxury of despair, but the steadfast hope that we can make a beautiful change for our children and the generations to come." Born in the Aida refugee camp, Dr. Abusrour was educated in Paris and then returned to Palestine.

Admission is $15, which will be donated in its entirety to the Alrowwad Theater Center. The presentation will be followed by refreshments and informal discussion.

For more information, call (845) 358-4601 or reply to this email.

June 1: Performance of "Goldberg on Palestine: Witness to Genocide"

Goldberg on Palestine: Witness to GenocideA multimedia performance project on the narrative of the Jewish diaspora, the Palestinian people, and the Israeli occupation of Palestine, artist Namaya combines stories, music, poetry, photography and art based on his journeys through Eastern Europe, Israel, and Palestine.

Friday, June 1, 7:00 PM
Fellowship of Reconciliation
521 N. Broadway, Nyack, NY
Get directions to this event.

Namaya traces his Jewish family's journey out of Eastern Europe and weaves together the story of the diaspora, the yearning of the Jewish people for a home, and his experiences living and working in Yemen, Morocco, and throughout the Islamic world.

"This is 'my story / my journey' over the past 57 years -- first as a child in Seville, then my travels in Israel and Palestine, my journey with 500 Hasidic Jews to the Soviet Union and Poland, visits throughout eastern Europe and to the places of the holocaust, along with my travels and living in the Islamic world," Namaya says. "This forms the basis for the story. As I say in the introduction, 'I tell this story, not out of desire, but out of necessity.'"

Admission is by donation, $15 suggested. Proceeds will be donated to the Alrowwad Theater Center and FOR.

For more information, call (845) 358-4601 or reply to this email.

August: Sermon on the Mount work camp

Join a weekend of fellowship, work, and discussions on how the Sermon on the Mount can be made real.

The Sermon on the Mount work camp will take place the weekend of August 3-5 at the Mount Community in Esopus, NY, overlooking the Hudson River. Participants will read and seek on Jesus' radical teachings in Matthew 5-7. Jesus requires more than just words from us, so help us as we hammer, sweep, scrub and convert an historic former seminary into a community focused on love to God and service to others.

Through inspired work, community, and lively interactions may the Sermon on the Mount revitalize and change all our lives!

There is no cost to participants, and food and lodging will be provided.

Register for the Sermon on the Mount work camp now.

If you have questions, please visit the website, email mountworkcamp@mailstack.com, or call the work camp at (845) 384-8099.

Fellowship of Reconciliation  |  P.O. Box 271, Nyack, NY 10960
for@forusa.org  |  www.forusa.org  |  (845) 358-4601

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