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Fellowship of Reconciliation
Working for peace, justice and nonviolence since 1915

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Act Now:
Free Hassan Mabrouka in Syria

Hassan Mabrouka

Send a message to Syria demanding the release of arbitrarily imprisoned Hassan Mabrouka.

Hassan Waleed Mabrouka, حسان مبروكة , the oldest of his siblings at 27, worked in the family business, the Wisam Restaurant and Pool. A family friend describes Hassan as a quiet, respectful guy known for his good manners. Before his detention, he was newly engaged to be married and determined to build a good life.

Hassan was at work serving customers when Syrian security forces arbitrarily detained him and destroyed the restaurant on June 22, 2011. Hassan is accused of participating in protests; later a charge of owning a hunting rifle was added.

Help us call for Hassan's release today.

The modest family diner is no longer open or able to provide a livelihood for Hassan's siblings and his recently widowed mother. Hassan's father passed away in April, while Hassan was locked away. Security officials refused to allow Hassan to see his father before his father's passing.

Hassan Mabrouka has been imprisoned unfairly. In violation of international and Syrian laws, he is held incommunicado, without access to a lawyer or family visits.

Join us in calling on Syrian authorities for Hassan's immediate release.

Hassan, we are waiting for your safe return.

Air Force Security, the branch of Syria's security apparatus which has Hassan in its custody, is known for its torture of prisoners. Hassan is held in its detention center located in the town of Harasta, just outlying Damascus. Former detainees at the branch have said detention officials there pulled out fingernails and toenails, used electrocution on prisoners' sensitive body parts, withheld adequate food and water from prisoners, and subjected prisoners to beatings that broke their bones while they were tied up, as well as to sexual and mental abuse.

Prisoners are routinely denied legal aid and medical treatment.

Reportedly kept in Cell Number One, which is 2 meters long by 1.5 meters wide and typically holds nine prisoners, Hassan is reported as being tortured, including being strapped to a metal ladder and electrocuted. Released prisoners report that Hassan's physical and mental health have deteriorated shockingly from the severity and repetitiveness of the torture; he now frequently speaks in a delusional manner, telling other prisoners he has been visiting some of his relatives who are known to be long deceased. We believe Hassan Mabrouka is in urgent need of medical attention.

Call on Syria to release Hassan Mabrouka immediately.

Earlier this year, FOR launched our Syrian prisoners campaign, profiling more than two dozen people being imprisoned despite their peaceful actions. We called for the release of Islam Dabbas, and hundreds of you responded with messages to the Syrian authorities on Islam's behalf. Sadly, despite that outpouring of support, Islam is still imprisoned. But your actions matter -- other prisoners of conscience have been released due to increased attention to their cases, and if we keep up the pressure, we still believe Islam Dabbas will be released too.

So please join us today in demanding the immediate, unconditional release of Hassan Mabrouka from prison in Syria, and the release of all Syria's prisoners of conscience. And look to hear from FOR again with more action alerts on behalf of other Syrian prisoners of conscience.

In solidarity,

Leila, Mohja, Maureen, and Ali, FOR Task Force on the Middle East

P.S. For more on the background of the nonviolent movement in Syria, see this recent article by Ali Karamustafa, "The New Nonviolent Movement in Syria."

P.P.S. Donate now to support FOR's work for human rights and peace in the Middle East.

Fellowship of Reconciliation  |  P.O. Box 271, Nyack, NY 10960
for@forusa.org  |  www.forusa.org  |  (845) 358-4601

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