Fellowship of Reconciliation
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Fellowship of Reconciliation
Working for peace, justice and nonviolence since 1915

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FOR staff and FOR National Council, February 2012


The FOURTH of July is a momentous time for us here at FOR! Not only does it give us pause to reflect on our government's definitions of human rights, freedom, peace and their costs; it is also the beginning of Fellowship of Reconciliation's fiscal year. Those close to me would say I have a "the glass is half -- or, just about, full" type of philosophy. However, as we begin fiscal year 2013, unfortunately, I'm seeing a 'void.' For the past three years, as the national and global economy have been so unsettled, our donors have reduced their support -- though gratefully the number of donors has remained stable and strong.

In times past, you've either read or heard me share my continued excitement and gratitude for the work FOR USA is able to accomplish with limited resources and funds. I am particularly thankful for our staff's ongoing involvement in advocating for peace, and justice. Nevertheless, at this time, we must consider critical changes in our structure and program focus if FOR USA is to remain viable.

Help support the Fellowship of Reconciliation with your tax-deductible donation.

Going forward, July will be our Membership Month! Consider this missive your FORth of July appeal. Along with enjoying the play on words, we see this as a great way to campaign each year for new members, and additional member support!

What does FOR's work mean to mean to you? Throughout the year, we are blessed to receive heartwarming notes thanking us for what we do, and encouraging us to keep doing our good work.

In order for FOR USA to remain on the frontlines, we need a special gift from you!

Make a contribution to FOR today.

In recent months, for example, we have been on the frontlines of the NATO Free Future rallies in Chicago, the Interfaith Moral Action on Climate agenda in Washington, the no guns and no violence work in Mexico work, the No War No Sanctions on Iran initiatives, the out of Afghanistan agenda, and No Guns in Starbucks boycott.

Currently, membership into FOR USA is based on a principle -- the commitment to nonviolence. If you agree with the tenets listed in, our Statement of Purpose and provide your signature as agreement, you are considered a member of the Fellowship of Reconciliation! For life!

Even though we have not decided to change this practice (as have other organizations, in light of the economy), we are seeking to establish an annual remembrance of FOR USA to help support our work -- starting with the FORth of July!

FOR USA sends out five print communiqués a year, I know of some organizations who send as many as twelve -- one every month! The FORth of July appeal is our mid-year appeal, preceded by an appeal in the spring, and followed by an appeal at the end of the calendar year. We also mail two membership newsletters, a spring and fall issue of Witness. The focus of Witness is to highlight the service and work of our local chapters, religious peace fellowships and affiliates.

Fellowship of Reconciliation USA's future work depends on your continued and increased support. You know we can't do this work alone. We need you!

I thank you for giving your best gift, so that we may continue to work for peace, justice and nonviolence to 2015, our Centennial, and beyond!

Peace is the Way, edited by Walter WinkLast year, we were able to offer a CD featuring a reproduced album of spirituals sung by Bayard Rustin. To date, we are still receiving requests for this CD! Thank You!

This year, for a gift of $100, we'd like to offer you the anthology, Peace Is the Way: Writings on Nonviolence from the Fellowship of Reconciliation. It was published in 2000 and edited by the late Walter Wink. These essays have been drawn from past issues of Fellowship magazine. They are written by some of the most prophetic peacemakers, activists and religious leaders of our time.

Make a tax-deductible donation to the Fellowship of Reconciliation today.

Thank you again for your support!


Mark Johnson

Mark C. Johnson, Ph.D.
Executive Director

Fellowship of Reconciliation  |  P.O. Box 271, Nyack, NY 10960
for@forusa.org  |  www.forusa.org  |  (845) 358-4601

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