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Fellowship of Reconciliation
Working for peace, justice and nonviolence since 1915

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Action page fixed:
Please act now!

Dr. Hakim

TAKE ACTION: Grant Dr. Hakim a visa

We apologize that the action page was not working properly during part of this week. If you were unable to take action before, please do so now!

Act now and help us get Hakim to the United States.

Thank you!

Last week, we alerted you to the struggle by 2012 FOR International Pfeffer Peace Prize winner Dr. Hakim, also known as Wee Teck Young, to acquire a visa to enter the United States and participate in the U.S.-Mexico Caravan of Peace.

We regret that for part of last week, the action page was not functioning properly. We believe the problems have been fixed, and encourage you to take action if you were not able to before.

Call on the State Department to grant Hakim a visa today!

Although you may get automated responses from the officials whom you contact, we're confident the continuing influx of emails is causing consular staff to take notice.

Hakim, founder of Afghan Peace Volunteers, was set to participate in the Caravan of Peace along the U.S.-Mexico border with poet-activist Dr. Javier Sicilia later this summer. We are still hopeful that the State Department will relent and grant Dr. Hakim a visa.

Take action now to help bring Hakim and his message of nonviolence and reconciliation to the United States.

The surprising choice by U.S. officials to prevent a nonviolent peace activist working for reconciliation in Afghanistan from visiting our country has generated media coverage, including a short item on Democracy Now!

We encourage you to tell your local media about Hakim's efforts, and why you support his visit to the United States. Kathy Kelly of Voices for Creative Nonviolence has a detailed post about Hakim and the Afghan Peace Volunteers that you can use to write your own letters to local media.

Additionally, please share the action page with friends and family on social media or by email to help spread the word.

Thank you, and we hope our next update will be with good news about Hakim and his visit!

In peace,

Mark C. Johnson, Ph.D.
Executive Director
Fellowship of Reconciliation

Fellowship of Reconciliation  |  P.O. Box 271, Nyack, NY 10960
for@forusa.org  |  www.forusa.org  |  (845) 358-4601

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