Fellowship of Reconciliation
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Fellowship of Reconciliation
Working for peace, justice and nonviolence since 1915

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"Every hand of friendship is a hand for freedom."

Hakim (Dr. Wee Teck Young)

Victory! Hakim's visa to the United States has been granted, thanks to the support of you and people like you around the country!


Help support FOR's work supporting justice, nonviolence and reconciliation like this with your tax-deductible donation.

That's what Hakim wrote to us when he found out that, after pressure from supporters in the United States, his visa to visit our country had been granted!

FOR is proud to undertake campaigns like this one, but we can't do it without your help. Will you consider making a special donation to support our ongoing participation in support of the U.S. Mexico-Peace Caravan and Afghan Peace Volunteers?

Make a tax deductible donation to FOR and help support active nonviolence worldwide.

We learned of the victory yesterday, shortly after we sent out our last update on Hakim's situation. He wrote:

"Your support letters to me and to the U.S. Embassies in support of my U.S. visa re-application encourage me deeply in my wish and work for global peace. Your acts of love show me that without extending our hand to one another, neither simple nor difficult steps towards a better, non-violent world could be taken successfully.

"I ask that you would join me in hoping the same for Ali and Abdulhai, two core members of the Afghan Peace Volunteers, as they apply for their U.S. visas in Kabul, Afghanistan, to participate in the Caravan of Peace too.

"In Afghanistan, where peace has become a ‘disappointing word’, Ali, Abdulhai and I have been dreaming about our ‘2 Million Friends’ Campaign. I can affirm and share with them my warm experience of your friendship.

"Every hand of friendship is a hand for freedom!"

You can read more on our blog about Hakim and this successful campaign to bring him to the United States.

We will keep you informed if further steps are needed to help secure visas for Ali and Abdulhai to bring them here for the Peace Caravan. To learn more about Hakim, visit the Afghan Peace Volunteers. And please stay tuned in coming weeks for reports on the U.S.-Mexico Peace Caravan and Afghan Peace Volunteers' 2 Million Friends Campaign.

The Fellowship of Reconciliation will continue to work in support of justice, nonviolence and reconciliation in Afghanistan, Mexico, the United States and around the world with your help.

Contribute to FOR today and help support this ongoing and vital work.

In peace and with thanksgiving,

Mark C. Johnson, Ph.D.
Executive Director
Fellowship of Reconciliation

Fellowship of Reconciliation  |  P.O. Box 271, Nyack, NY 10960
for@forusa.org  |  www.forusa.org  |  (845) 358-4601

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