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Fellowship of Reconciliation
Working for peace, justice and nonviolence since 1915

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We wanted to let you know about this event being hosted by FOR affiliate the Baptist Peace Fellowship of North America, occurring from July 30 to August 4 in Northfield, Minnesota. For more information or to register, see their website or read on for details.

oneHeart, oneSoul: building communities that work (Acts 4:32) -- Summer Conference 2012

International Peace Fellowship invites
Minnesota peacemakers to Peace Camp 2012

July 30 to Aug. 4, Northfield, MN

People of all faiths and traditions are invited to join the Baptist Peace Fellowship of North America for our Summer Conference 2012. Affectionately called "Peace Camp," Summer Conference is a gathering for anyone who longs for the spirituality, inspiration, skills, knowledge and community to support a life of peace rooted in justice.

From July 30 to Aug. 4, peacemakers of all ages from across the North American continent will gather together at St. Olaf College for a week of inspiration, training, and fun that will empower our personal and corporate work for justice.

Michael-Ray Mathews from People Improving Communities through Organizing will speak three times and hold a series of workshops on faith-based organizing: "Clearing Our Throats: Organizing Prophetic Voices in the Public Square," "The Welcome Table: Building a Multi-faith, Multicultural Movement for Justice," and "The Ecclesial Imagination: Prophetic Witness and Congregational Development." Faith-based organizing has proven itself to be an effective approach to address social problems through prophetic witness, community development and system change. Workshop participants will learn first-hand about the principals, practices, benefits and challenges to community organizing.

During the week, several local groups, such as members from Minnesota Community SINGS! and the University Baptist Church Carillon Handbell Choir, will perform, hold workshops and lead activities. Register NOW, and find full conference information, on our web site at www.bpfna.org/conference. Contact LeDayne McLeese Polaski (ledayne@bpfna.org or 704.521.6051) with any questions.

"Peace Camp is a special time for peacemakers across North America and the world to gather together in fellowship," says BPFNA Program Coordinator LeDayne McLeese Polaski. "The theme this year focuses on community; specifically, creating communities that inspire and enable their members to work toward peace. What better way to celebrate community than by embracing those working toward peace rooted in justice right here in Minnesota?"

Minnesota Community SINGS!

Bret Hesla and Mary Preus, members from Minnesota Community SINGS!, will be the music and worship leaders during the week. Bret and Mary's main focus is on creating a culture of community singing and bringing communities together through song. They consider themselves "singers' songwriters" instead of "singer songwriters." Song choices are singable for all, and topics promote community, peace, social justice and caring for the Earth. Join Bret and Mary for a songwriters' circle, workshops on how to become a successful song leader, and a big community sing on Friday, Aug. 3.

Carillon Handbell Choir -- University Baptist Church

The Carillon Handbell Choir has been an integral part of the University Baptist Church music program for more than 15 years. Directed by Jean Lubke, members have toured England and Scotland as well as California and the eastern United States. The Carillon Handbell Choir will hold a special Peace Camp concert on Wednesday, Aug. 1.

Through mediation, worship, music, workshops, intergenerational recreation, bible studies, movies, educational programs for all ages, and more, we'll equip ourselves for the work of creating a better world -- and we'll have a great time along the way.

The Baptist Peace Fellowship of North America works toward gathering, equipping and mobilizing Baptists to build a culture of peace rooted in justice. The Baptist Peace Fellowship of North America celebrates and supports the peacemaking work done by Baptist churches in Canada, the United States, Puerto Rico and Mexico by raising the visibility of these efforts through our publications and web site, by bringing peacemakers together in regional and international gatherings, and by providing resources, including printed and audio-visual resources, speakers and training. The BPFNA also actively connects with peacemakers from other traditions, faith-based and secular, to build alliances and work together toward our common goal of a more just and peaceful world.

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for@forusa.org  |  www.forusa.org  |  (845) 358-4601

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