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Fellowship of Reconciliation
Task Force on Latin America and the Caribbean

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Caravan for PeaceThis weekend, New Mexico will host the cross-country Caravan for Peace with Justice and Dignity in Albuquerque and Santa Fe, led by poet Javier Sicilia and the Mexican peace movement. FOR is supporting the caravan, and we hope you'll join us at these events!

Saturday, Aug. 18, 12:00 PM
Event: "This is tearing our families apart!"
Church of the Holy Family Parish, 562 Atrisco Dr SW, Albuquerque
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Saturday, Aug. 18, 2:00 PM
Event: Dialogue, convivio, mariachis, art and more!
Church of the Holy Family Parish, 562 Atrisco Dr SW, Albuquerque
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Sunday, Aug. 19, 5:00 AM
Mass and public encuentro
Sanctuary de Guadalupe, 100 N. Guadalupe St, Santa Fe
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Sunday, Aug. 19, 6:30 AM
Intercambios with local community
Sanctuary de Guadalupe, 100 N. Guadalupe St, Santa Fe
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Monday, Aug. 20, 11:00 AM
Rally: Peace and poetry on the plaza, with Jimmy Santiago Baca
Santa Fe Plaza, 56 Lincoln Ave, Santa Fe
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The caravan began in Tijuana, and will traverse more than 5,600 miles along the U.S.-Mexico border, through the Southeast, to Chicago and New York, and culminating in Washington, D.C. on Sept. 12. Download flyers about the caravan's visit to Albuquerque and the caravan's visit to Santa Fe.

Javier SiciliaJavier Sicilia will be accompanied by more than 60 other Mexicans, victims of violence, representatives of indigenous communities, human rights leaders, artists, youth groups, churches for peace, and allied organizations. Many U.S. activists will also travel with the caravan, as will journalists from Mexico and the United States.

The caravan addresses the United States' role in the violence that’s afflicted so many Mexican families, including global drug prohibition and consumption, gun trafficking, militarized foreign policy, the denial of immigrants' rights, and money laundering. At the heart of the caravan will be testimonies of victims of violence by criminal and state forces, who are bearing the human cost of these policies and calling for change.

Mexican Peace Caravan marchThe movement organized two national caravans in Mexico last year, from Cuernavaca to Juárez at the border, and another to Chiapas in the south, with FOR activists in both. Some 60 organizations from the U.S. and Mexico are supporting this year's caravan, including Global Exchange, NAACP, Drug Policy Alliance, Labor Council for Latin American Advancement, Presente, School of the Americas Watch, Border Angels, Law Enforcement Against Prohibition, and FOR.

FOR Research and Advocacy Director John Lindsay-Poland, who helped organize the caravan's U.S. tour, is accompanying the caravan for its first two weeks of travel, as far as New Orleans. Feel free to contact him at johnlp@forusa.org about his visit to your community.

Bringing Down the New Jim Crow, a radio documentary series on the drug war and mass incarceration produced by Chris Moore-Backman, will feature an hour-long program on the caravan. Chris served on FOR’s first Colombia peace team in 2002, and he is traveling with the caravan. With support from FOR and many others, the project just met its Kickstarter goal to raise $17,500 for the whole series.

Want to learn more about the Peace Caravan? Follow along on the caravan's Tumblr page, or check out these short, powerful videos by Javier Sicilia and others. You can also view the entire caravan route across the United States.

The caravan is still raising funds to pay for this ambitious project to help change U.S.-Mexico relations from the bottom up, and end the drug war and gun violence. Please consider making a tax-deductible donation to the Peace Caravan -- thank you!

FOR Task Force on Latin America and the Caribbean
P.O. Box 72492, Oakland, CA 94612  |  (510) 763-1403

Fellowship of Reconciliation  |  P.O. Box 271, Nyack, NY 10960
for@forusa.org  |  www.forusa.org  |  (845) 358-4601

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