Fellowship of Reconciliation
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Fellowship of Reconciliation
Working for peace, justice and nonviolence since 1915

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We are seeking historic photos and audio-visual materials to celebrate FOR's forthcoming centennial.

SNCC marching in Selma, Alabama

John Nevin Sayre, Muriel Lester and A.J. Muste at FOR

An inter-religious circle for peace

Thich Nhat Hanh

Bayard Rustin, 1964

Orval Etter, Oregon FOR secretary; John Swomley, FOR associate secretary; Muriel Lester, International FOR leader in Europe; and A.J. Muste, FOR executive secretary, at the Western FOR Conference, 1949

The Fellowship of Reconciliation is approaching our 100th birthday in 2015. We want to tell the story of our first century of peace and justice work as we embark on our second 100 years -- and we need you to help us tell that story!

We are working on a feature-length documentary that will tell that amazing story and also propel our organization into the next hundred years. The film is to be directed by acclaimed independent filmmaker Nancy Savoca and produced by Richard Guay.

It's been an amazing century. FOR members have been leaders of world-changing social movements since the early 1900s -- creating the conscientious objector status, advocating for civil rights and the freedom struggles in the Americas and Africa, developing frameworks for inter-religious collaboration, calling for nuclear abolition and environmental sustainability, and much more.

You were there when the ACLU and the National Conference on Christians & Jews were formed; when we helped launch CORE and SNCC, and worked with Rev. Dr. King in Montgomery; when we hosted the first North American trips of global peace leaders like Muriel Lester, Thich Nhat Hanh, and Adolfo Pérez Esquivel; when we sent an interfaith delegation of religious leaders to Iraq to protest the sanctions; and during many daily nonviolent acts, both quiet and monumental, that have expressed peace as the way.

It's a vast and important story and, if it is ever to appear on the "big screen," we will need your assistance.

Do you have archival photos, audio reels (cassette tapes or other formats), or even video footage of FOR-related events? It might be something from your FOR university campus chapter in the 1940s, or a speaking tour in the '60s, or perhaps a rally at your town hall, state capital, or the National Mall in the '80s. If so, we would love to have access to it!

Reply to this message if you have suggestions or questions. Donations and materials may be sent directly to us at:

FOR Centenary Project
P.O. Box 271
Nyack, NY 10960

We can scan and/or copy your material for possible inclusion in the film and return it. If used, you will be credited for it. Please label clearly all materials that should be returned.

Thank you,

Mark C. Johnson, Ph.D.
Executive Director
Fellowship of Reconciliation

P.S. Can you help jump-start our work into the next century? Make a tax-deductible donation to FOR today in honor of nearly 100 years of work for peace and justice.

Photo credits, from top: Library of Congress (Peter Pettus), FOR (archives), FOR (archives), FOR (archives), Library of Congress (New York World-Telegram and the Sun), FOR (John Swomley).

Fellowship of Reconciliation  |  P.O. Box 271, Nyack, NY 10960
for@forusa.org  |  www.forusa.org  |  (845) 358-4601

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