Fellowship of Reconciliation

Dear Friends,

Please join us for a special conversation this Sunday evening at FOR's "Shadowcliff" headquarters in Upper Nyack.

Sunday, Oct. 28, 7:30 PM:
Report-back from Middle East delegations

Shadowcliff, 521 North Broadway, Nyack (view directions)

Several FOR leaders have just returned home following extensive travels to the Middle East and Central Asia. They will share powerful stories from their travels to a members of FOR's National Council and national staff, all of whom will gather this weekend from across the Americas.

You are invited to enter our circle of peacemakers and hear:

  • Mark Johnson, FOR's executive director, returning to the U.S. today from a week of meetings with nonviolence activists in Basra, Iraq.
  • Richard Deats (of Nyack) and Lucas Johnson (of Atlanta), returning to the U.S. today from two weeks in Palestine and Israel, as members of the extraordinary Civil and Human Rights Delegation sponsored by the Dorothy Cotton Institute.
  • Doug Mackey (of Olympia, WA), who coordinates the Global Days of Listening project, working hand-in-hand with the Afghan Peace Volunteers based in Kabul and Bamiyan, Afghanistan.

The program is free, but we request an RSVP as space is limited -- just reply to this email to let us know you're coming.

We hope to see you at 7:30 on Sunday!

In peace,

Ethan Vesely-Flad
Director of Communications

P.S. Whether or not you're able attend, please take this one simple action for peace: Join us in signing and promoting the 2 Million Friends campaign launched by the Afghan Peace Volunteers, which calls on the United Nations to broker a cease-fire in their Afghanistan homeland.

Fellowship of Reconciliation  |  P.O. Box 271, Nyack, NY 10960
for@forusa.org  |  www.forusa.org  |  (845) 358-4601

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