Fellowship of Reconciliation


Recovering from Sandy

We hope you and your family are safe from the impact of Hurricane Sandy. FOR's Nyack, NY headquarters has been without power and phone service since Monday morning, and we are informed this could last two more weeks.

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Despite these challenges, our dedicated team is still working for a nonviolent world!

Assassination by remote control -- and with civilian casualties. It's time for a no-fly zone for military and spy drones, and we need your help!

Add your name to the call to halt U.S. military drones.

Members of FOR, with CODEPINK and other allies, are working to end the use of armed, unmanned aerial vehicles, and we need your help.

Last month, FOR member Judy Bello participated in CODEPINK's peace delegation to Pakistan. Judy writes of her trip:

"Drones are particularly convenient vehicles for what are called targeted assassinations, that occur all too often in civilian areas in countries we are not at war with. It is bad enough that our country is involved in wars of choice, choosing war as a method of solving problems rather than diplomacy and discussion of differences. But today we are targeting and killing people and not even bothering to call this action 'war.'"

According to the Foundation for Fundamental Rights, the delegation's host in Pakistan, more than 3,000 people have been killed by drone strikes -- of whom at least 1,000 were civilians, including 200 children.

Living Under Drones - pic of videoRemarkably, the United States officially denies any civilian casualties -- and has ignored repeated requests by sovereign nations like Pakistan to end the use of drone strikes.

Join FOR and faith-based leaders in calling for an end to remote control bombings.

Tens of thousands of civilians in Pakistan, Yemen, Iran, Somalia, Afghanistan, and Iraq are dealing with the trauma of daily U.S. military drone bombings in their communities -- unmanned, and unaccountable.

Help us build the movement against drones: free webinar

Regrettably, few leaders in the U.S. are calling for a halt to military drones -- if anything, leaders in both parties have called for an increase in these "safe" bombing runs -- and police agencies are expanding the use of spy drones within the United States.

Join CODEPINK co-founder Medea Benjamin and public records activist Tom Nash for a free webinar on Tuesday, Nov. 20 at 2:00 PM Eastern (11:00 AM Pacific): "Researching Drones for Action." Medea, who also authored the book Drone Warfare: Killing by Remote Control, and Tom, who works with MuckRock on Freedom of Information Act requests, will present strategies for confronting military and spy drone projects in your state and community. Reply to this email to RSVP for the webinar.

View handouts and other information you can share with your friends, or watch first-person stories about living under drones.

With your help, we can make a difference. What do you know about drones in your community? Are there military drone bases nearby? Does your local police department plan to use drones? Are you active in anti-drone actions? Would you like to get actively involved in the national campaign against drones? Reply to this email and let us know!

In peace,

Mark C. Johnson, Ph.D.
Executive Director
Fellowship of Reconciliation

P.S. Are you active in your local faith community? Please share the faith-based call to stop drones with others!

Fellowship of Reconciliation  |  P.O. Box 271, Nyack, NY 10960
for@forusa.org  |  www.forusa.org  |  (845) 358-4601

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