Fellowship of Reconciliation


Next Monday, Dec. 10, is International Human Rights Day, a day we're marking by a renewed commitment to ending the war on Afghanistan.

As you know, we're partnering with the Afghan Peace Volunteers in the petition "2 Million Friends call on the U.N. for a ceasefire in Afghanistan." On Dec. 10, they'll be delivering the petition signatures to the United Nations and releasing a video message of their work for peace in Afghanistan.

Will you send a message from the U.S. to Afghanistan on Human Rights Day?

How to take action

Host an event: 2 Million Friends is inviting those marking Human Rights Day to hold solidarity events with the people of Afghanistan and Afghan Peace Volunteers. "Whether you are organizing a concert, discussion panel, dove-releasing event, kite-flying, candle lighting or other type of event in rememberance of the victims of war in Afghanistan or to simply come together for human rights and peace, we want to know about it!" Register your Human Rights Day event.

Attend an event: Many Human Rights Day local events are already scheduled. Among the activities taking place are: readings of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights: a candlelight vigil; a university open house meeting; and gatherings to create and share poems and artwork. Some are listed on the 2 Million Friends website. The U.N. is also hosting an online discussion with the High Commissioner for Human Rights that you can watch on Dec. 10 on YouTube and Google Plus.

Call on your U.S. Representative to demand withdrawal: A bipartisan resolution by Reps. Barbara Lee (D-CA) and Walter Jones (R-NC) is calling for an "accelerated withdrawal to bring an end to the decade-long war" in Afghanistan. This is in the face of recent reports (including this New York Times article) that the Obama administration may be considering keeping from 1,000 to as many as 25,000 troops in Afghanistan beyond 2014. Contact your representative and tell him or her to support the Lee-Jones resolution on Afghanistan.

Join the fast: Peace activists will be holding a ten-day fast in solidarity with the Afghan people, from Dec. 10 to 21. The main fast will be held in New York City in front of the U.N. headquarters. You may consider giving up one meal, or many, to join this solidarity effort. Contact Voices for Creative Nonviolence to let them know you will be participating.

Talk directly with Afghans: Thanks to the Global Days of Listening project (a FOR national chapter), on Dec. 10th the Afghan Peace Volunteers, Afghan civil society groups, Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Mairead Maguire, and peace activists fasting at the U.N. will be speaking on a free international conference call. Join the call at 10:00 AM Eastern on Dec. 10! Another Afghanistan conference call is being offered tomorrow (Thursday) by our friends at AFSC, featuring leaders of four prominent Afghan NGOs. Join this "Afghan Conversation" at 10:00 AM Eastern on Dec. 6 to hear more live reports from Kabul.

Fellowship of Reconciliation  |  P.O. Box 271, Nyack, NY 10960
for@forusa.org  |  www.forusa.org  |  (845) 358-4601

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