Fellowship of Reconciliation


This February, the Fellowship of Reconciliation invites you to two extraordinary opportunities:

Young Pacifist and Proud, Nyack, NY, February 15-18

Young Pacifist & ProudFOR invites you to meet your peers and a few ally elders to explore the arts of contemporary nonviolent resistance. Bring your vision, enthusiasm, skills and story and explore the challenges and opportunities of organizing in spiritual and faith-based communities working for economic, racial, gender, and environmental justice. What do we need to know about each other to make our organizing more effective? This weekend includes collaborative visual and performance art opportunities.

Bring a friend or ally from your local community or college. People who identify as Muslim, Jewish, Christian, Indigenous, Buddhist, Hindu, Sikh, and dual heritage, LGBTQ, people of color, anti-war vets, survivors of deadly conflict are welcome.

The $50 cost covers the entire weekend; financial assistance is available. Delicious hallal, kosher and vegetarian food will be served.

Learn more about the delegation.

You can also contact Lynn Gottlieb for more information.

Delegation to Ciudad Juárez and El Paso, February 9-16

Justicia in JuarezAfflicted by the violence of state and drug trafficking forces, inhumane U.S. border policy, economic depredation, and the flow of guns from the U.S. commercial market, Ciudad Juárez has been called the “epicenter of pain."

But it and El Paso are also sites of creative activism and peaceful resistance to violence and injustice. Women, youth, church, artists, medical, and human rights groups have bravely challenged the destruction and impunity. Murder rates have declined significantly, offering a window to understand a city that has experienced more than 10,000 murders in the last six years.

We seek community leaders, pastors, journalists, and activists, who will use this rich experience in their communities to convey a better understanding of border violence, the drug war, gun trafficking, and immigration policy, and what we can do to respond constructively. The $675 cost covers simple lodging, food, local transportation, language interpretation, and program costs. We will spend three nights in secure lodging in Ciudad Juárez and other nights in El Paso.

Learn more about the delegation.

You can also contact John Lindsay-Poland for more information or download an application (Word format).

Fellowship of Reconciliation  |  P.O. Box 271, Nyack, NY 10960
for@forusa.org  |  www.forusa.org  |  (845) 358-4601

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