Fellowship of Reconciliation


What is the cost of freedom for Palestinians? At what premium is peace with Iran? What would you trade for fully-funded education, healthcare and other essential services here in the United States?

We invite you to join us for grassroots advocacy training in Washington, D.C. next month to help strengthen your voice and your campaigns for peace in Iran and Palestine.

Join FOR, Interfaith Peace-Builders, CODEPINK, the U.S. Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation, Jewish Voice for Peace, American Muslims for Palestine, Adalah-New York, and many more as we gather at the AIPAC Exposed conference.

With this training, we'll give you the tools to press for an end to the Israeli occupation and effectively counter calls for military action against Iran.

Leila Zand, director of the FOR task force on the Middle East, has played a key role in organizing workshops around fighting the threat of war with Iran, and we'd love to see a large contingent of FOR members and supporters at the event.

Grassroots Advocacy Training at AIPAC Exposed
Saturday, March 2 in Washington, D.C.
Featuring an "Iran track" and a "Palestine track" (view schedule)
Sliding scale from $40 to $125, or $30 for students
Register for the advocacy training and AIPAC Exposed mobilization

"Expose AIPAC," the gathering at which the trainings will be held, is a continuation of last year's "Occupy AIPAC" events. The focus is to "show how AIPAC stands in the way of a foreign policy that could lead to a just peace in the Middle East."

Register now for the training day and Expose AIPAC this March. And please let your friends and colleagues know!

Leila, Ethan, Mark, and the rest of FOR

Image: Courtesy of Code Pink and NEREphotography, all rights reserved.

Fellowship of Reconciliation  |  P.O. Box 271, Nyack, NY 10960
for@forusa.org  |  www.forusa.org  |  (845) 358-4601

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