Fellowship of Reconciliation

Dear Friends,

Across the United States, people from different walks of life and political complexions are acting to change the laws and culture that produces so much gun violence in our country.

Earlier today, the Senate Judiciary Committee passed to the full Senate a bill enabling background checks at all gun shows. A vote on the assault weapons ban was postponed, but due to the influence of the powerful pro-gun lobby, its passage unfortunately appears unlikely.

We urgently need you to call, Friends, your senators and urge them to support the background check legislation. And read on for how you can take action in your local communities.

Sandy Hook Riders

A moving national clergy letter initiated by clergy in Newtown -- calling for universal background checks and bans on assault weapons and high-capacity magazines -- was delivered today with the signatures of more than 3,000 clergy. Today, 25 bicyclists with the Sandy Hook Ride to Washington, who rode in a caravan from Newtown, arrived in Washington as the Judiciary Committee began voting. Bicyclists from Virginia Tech who survived the shooting there rode with the caravan the last 20 miles.

Add your name to these efforts supporting legislation to end gun violence by taking action below!

Take action: Call your senators

Call the congressional switchboard at (202) 224-3121 and ask for the office one of your senators, then call back to contact the second senator.

Ask your senators to support legislation on universal background checks on gun purchases.

Take action: Organize local faith events

Guns seized in MexicoThis weekend, hundreds of faith communities across the country will be hosting events on gun violence prevention, providing grassroots moral voices calling on Congress.

Join Faiths United Against Gun Violence and the PICO national network, two national coalitions of faith-based activists, and register your event for the national weekend of faith action, March 15-17. In partnership with Groundswell, they will provide you with event ideas, prayers, educational tools, and other resources once you register.

If you're hosting a public event, we'd love to help spread the word about it! Add your event to our events calendar and map.

If you're in New York City, consider joining Occupy the NRA activists next Monday, who will be protesting hedge funds such as Owl Creek Asset Management -- funds that actually increased investment in gun shares after the Newtown massacre, in order to profit from the run on guns. On March 21, other activists will mobilize at 125th St. in Harlem to highlight gun violence and its impacts, especially on people of color.

Wherever you are, please take action now to make change in our nation's relationship with guns made to kill people.

For peace,

John Lindsay-Poland, Shauen Pearce, Mark Johnson, and FOR

Fellowship of Reconciliation  |  P.O. Box 271, Nyack, NY 10960
for@forusa.org  |  www.forusa.org  |  (845) 358-4601

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