Fellowship of Reconciliation


This month, FOR members across the country are working to stop military and surveillance drones and reduce military spending. Will you join them?

National Days of Action to Stop Drone Spying and Killing

Activists demonstrating at a military drone base. Photo courtesy John Amidon.

Anti-drone activists with the Network for Stopping Drone Spying and Warfare are building a public uprising across the country this month.

Thinking about organizing actions in your community? Pick one of the days below and we can focus on eliminating the massive army of drones in the United States.

  • Tomorrow, April 4 through Saturday, April 6: Days of action at drone manufacturing facilities -- using demonstrations, teach-ins and other actions calling for an end to drone attacks and the manufacture of weaponized and surveillance drones. For instance, in San Diego, activists will gather at General Atomics, maker of the Predator and Reaper drones, the workhorses of drone killing.
  • April 16-18: Days of action at drone research and training facilities -- putting the focus on colleges and universities doing drone research and/or training of drone pilots.
  • April 27-28: Days of action at drone bases -- Demonstrations at Air Force and National Guard bases which control the U.S. military drone programs. For instance, in Syracuse, New York, activists will gather at Hancock Air Base, where Reaper drones are based.

View events happening in your area, or post your own!

Tweeting? Use the hashtag #nodrones on Tuesdays to show support!

Resources on drones and anti-drone activism

Global Day of Action on Military Spending on Tax Day

Activists in Okinawa demonstrating against military spending and military bases

As we file our taxes on April 15th, 57¢ of every dollar spent in the annual discretionary budget feeds the Pentagon. That is neither what we need nor the spending priorities that a majority of people support.

Global Day of Action on Military SpendingWill you raise your voice in favor of changing national spending priorities on Tax Day?

The world's governments are spending more than ever on the military: $1.7 trillion per year. If spent differently, this money would go a long way to resolving the real and immediate challenges facing our planet.

On April 15, people all over the world will again come together for the third Global Day of Action on Military Spending. We urge you to join us.

A federal budget which priorities wars, weapons, tax cuts for the rich and corporate tax loopholes over jobs and human services is intolerable. Join us in the Global Day of Action on Military Spending this Tax Day!

For a more peaceful tomorrow,

Leila Zand and Susana Pimiento Chamorro
Fellowship of Reconciliation

Fellowship of Reconciliation  |  P.O. Box 271, Nyack, NY 10960
for@forusa.org  |  www.forusa.org  |  (845) 358-4601

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