Fellowship of Reconciliation


Nonviolent social change is needed now more than ever. Yet we know that nonviolent social change movements aren't spontaneous. They require midwives and mentors, and preparation of strong spirits, strong skills and solidarity.

Historians and the media often ignore the intense preparation and training that precede dramatic and courageous nonviolent actions. Some even suggest that we need grand new leaders like Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Jr., Dorothy Day, or Wangari Maathai.

We are the people we are waiting for! We are the ones to act!

Community-based training for generating nonviolent power

Mapping a nonviolent social change campaignCreating a Culture of Peace offers preparation to future midwives and mentors: three-day, intensive nonviolence trainings to communities and conferences across the United States. Since Janet Chisholm first developed the program at the Fellowship of Reconciliation, CCP has trained thousands of participants from FOR chapters, religious peace fellowships, peace groups, congregations, colleges, youth groups, and Veterans for Peace.

The training is experiential, participatory, transformative, and even fun! Creating a Culture of Peace provides an innovative three-day training program to help individuals and groups develop nonviolence principles, analysis, and skills to respond to violence and injustice -- to make change without resorting to violence or domination. You'll learn the real power we have to make social change, get practice in strengthening your peacemaking skills to respond to violence and justice without using violence, and learn the steps in planning successful nonviolent action campaigns.

The trainings are centered on a popular education approach, enriched by diversity and shared wisdom and experience, using varied media -- small groups, role plays, brainstorms, exercises, private reflection, movement and discussion. This will not be a dry lecture!

Nonviolence training in Los AngelesCosts vary from $50 to $250 for a three-day training, depending on whether it is a residential retreat or a commuter training, and on the number of participants.

Upcoming nonviolence trainings

May 31 - June 2: Portland, OR. To register, contact Holly Puckett, holly.puckett@ua.edu.

July 11-14: Colorado Springs, CO. To register, contact David Blot, 718-548-3594, david.blot@bcc.cuny.edu.

August 16-18: Circle Pines, MN, sponsored by Saint Paul Interfaith Network and Minnesota FOR. To register, contact Joan Haan, 651-645-7437, joan@pleromacoaching.com.

Fall 2013 (dates TBA): Baltimore, MD, sponsored by the P. Murphy Initiative. To get more information and updates when dates are announced, contact Christy Gordon, 301-519-7302, skyswan42@hotmail.com.

Fall 2013 (dates TBA): Minneapolis, MN, sponsored by Faith Mennonite Church. To get more information and updates when dates are announced, contact Phil Stoltzfus, 612-375-9483, minstaff@faithmennonite.org.

Four-day nonviolence facilitator trainings

Designed specifically for facilitators of nonviolence work; people who are doing nonviolence training themselves.

Late Fall 2013 (dates TBA, location TBA). To get more information and updates when dates and locations are announced, contact T. Michael Rock, 763-537-6965, nonviolencerock@gmail.com.

No training near you?

Bring CCP facilitators to your own community, organization, or congregation -- to find out how to get started, take a look at the host-organizer guide, and contact the CCP office.

Learn more about Creating a Culture of Peace and help support its work.

Fellowship of Reconciliation  |  P.O. Box 271, Nyack, NY 10960
for@forusa.org  |  www.forusa.org  |  (845) 358-4601

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