Fellowship of Reconciliation


We are gearing up for a major celebration -- but first, we want to say thank you!

Next year, the Fellowship of Reconciliation will begin celebrating our 100th birthday -- following a century of interfaith, active nonviolence from FOR's founding in 1914 in Europe and 1915 in the United States.

Every step of the way, you have been there.

With your help, earlier this month we reached our $10,000 goal announced in mid-June for launching our grassroots regional plan and welcoming our new executive director, Kristin Stoneking. Thank you!

Your financial support is an investment in the Fellowship of Reconciliation that will help us invest in a grassroots model of organizing and activism -- identifying, networking, and supporting the important work that you and FOR chapters around the country are doing.

We're excited about this new phase, and Kristin will be sharing more about our plans once she begins in August.

10 words or less: What is your vision for the next century of FOR?

Today, we invite you to help FOR-USA and the International Fellowship of Reconciliation as we begin building toward our exciting centennial celebration in 2014-2015. Here is how you can help us develop momentum this summer:

Enter the FOR-USA slogan contest to compellingly and describe our centennial celebrations.

Here are some examples of potential slogans:

  • FOR: Living the Dream
  • @100-FORward
  • Be the Change: Setting the Peace Agenda FOR the Next Century

What's your idea for a centennial slogan? We want to know! We're looking for a catchy slogan that captures our excitement about entering our second century of transformative nonviolent action and organizing.

The winning entry will be used thorughout the centennial celebrations beginning next year, and we'll credit you prominently in our centennial announcement.

Deadline for slogan submissions is July 31. Just reply to this email to enter!

Ethan Vesely-Flad
Director of Communications
Fellowship of Reconciliation

Fellowship of Reconciliation  |  P.O. Box 271, Nyack, NY 10960
for@forusa.org  |  www.forusa.org  |  (845) 358-4601

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