Fellowship of Reconciliation


Can you help put us over the top?

We're 90% of the way there

We need $10,000 in order to launch our grassroots regional support model this fall, as our new executive director Kristin Stoneking begins.

To date we've raised $9,000 -- can you help us get the rest of the way?

Donate to FOR and support grassroots peace and justice work nationwide!

We've extended our deadline to this Friday, but we need your help!

Make a tax-deductible donation to FOR today.

As we wrote you last month, FOR is transitioning to a regional, grassroots-support model, and has just hired our new executive director, Rev. Kristin Stoneking.

In order to be successful with our plan for the Fellowship of Reconciliation to support grassroots peace and justice work, we need to raise $10,000.

And we're so close -- in just two weeks, we've raised just over $9,000 -- more than 90% of our goal.

So we're extending the deadline on this campaign to this Friday.

Make a donation now and help us reach our goal!

We're very excited about welcoming Kristin as our new director in August, and we're just as excited about our regional model. We'll have national leaders across the country in five regions, working closely with local FOR chapters and members to support the work they do and raise it to a national level when needed.

But we need to give Kristin and our staff the tools to do her new job, and for that we must hit our goal by Friday.

Make a special tax-deductible donation by Friday and help us meet our budget!

Our strength comes from the hard work and dedication of FOR members and chapters across the country. Right now, we need you to dig deep and make a financial contribution, however small.

With your investment in FOR, we'll be able to give back to you and amplify the important work you're doing.

Please make your donation to FOR by Friday. And thank you!

Ethan Vesely-Flad
Director of Communications
Fellowship of Reconciliation

Image: Flickr user sueannsimon (Creative Commons)

Fellowship of Reconciliation  |  P.O. Box 271, Nyack, NY 10960
for@forusa.org  |  www.forusa.org  |  (845) 358-4601

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