Fellowship of Reconciliation

Dear Friends,

This Wednesday, Oct. 9, one of the most dynamic and courageous human rights activists today will visit the Capital Region. The Fellowship of Reconciliation invites you to join us for two special speaking engagements by Malalai Joya of Afghanistan, here in our community.

Malalai JoyaOct. 9, 1:00 PM
Russell Sage College - Bush Memorial Auditorium
65 1st Street
Troy, NY 12180
Get directions to this event
For more Info: Joe Lombardo, UNAC

Oct. 9, 7:00 PM
First Unitarian Universalist Society of Albany
405 Washington Avenue
Albany, NY 12206
Get directions to this event
For more Info: Joe Lombardo, UNAC; or Mickie Lynn, Women Against War

Malalai Joya, 35, first gained international attention in 2003 when she spoke out publicly against the domination of warlords in Afghanistan. She was at that time serving as an elected delegate to the Loya Jirga that was convened to ratify the Constitution of Afghanistan. In 2005 she became one of 68 women elected to the 249-seat National Assembly, or Wolesi Jirga, and was the youngest member of the Afghan parliament.

An extraordinary young woman raised in the refugee camps of Iran and Pakistan, Joya became a teacher in secret girls’ schools, hiding her books under her burqa so the Taliban couldn’t find them; she helped establish a free medical clinic and orphanage in her impoverished home province of Farah. In 2007 she spoke out against former warlords and war criminals in the Afghan parliament and was thereupon suspended from the parliament. Since then she has survived six assassination attempts. She travels in Afghanistan with armed guards and has worked tirelessly on behalf of Afghan women and to end the occupation of her country.

In 2010, Time Magazine placed Malalai Joya on their annual list of the 100 most influential people in the world. Foreign Policy Magazine listed her in its annual list of the Top 100 Global Thinkers. In March, 2011, The Guardian listed her among the “Top 100 women activists and campaigners.” Her widely praised book, A Woman Among Warlords: The Extraordinary Story of an Afghan Who Dared to Raise Her Voice, was published in 2009.

Please join us this Wednesday in Albany/Troy for one of these special engagements with Malalai Joya.


Leila Zand
FOR Northeast Regional Coordinator/Organizer

Fellowship of Reconciliation  |  P.O. Box 271, Nyack, NY 10960
for@forusa.org  |  www.forusa.org  |  (845) 358-4601

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