Fellowship of Reconciliation


I wanted to thank you for your recent order of the Martin Luther King and the Montgomery Story comic book. The Fellowship of Reconciliation originally published this comic book in 1958 as a popular education tool to reach hundreds of thousands about the power and efficacy of nonviolent social change and civil disobedience. Used recently in Tahrir Square to further the practice of nonviolence in the Arab Spring and lifted up by Rep. John Lewis and staffer Andrew Aydin as the inspiration for their book March, the comic book is experiencing a resurgence. FOR takes pride in this example of our advocacy for human and civil rights for all.

Today, the Fellowship of Reconciliation continues to organize, train, and grow a global movement for justice, peace, and freedom. Here are just a few of the projects that we’re working on:

  • Training young human rights activists from four continents in the principles and practice of active nonviolence, hosted in our New York headquarters.
  • Supporting the launch of a modern-day Freedom Ride focused on ending mass incarceration and strengthening immigrant rights, December 14-18, 2013, Durham NC to Nashville TN, led by the School for Conversion.
  • Planning and organizing international gatherings of young social change-makers in Berlin (December) and Minneapolis (August 2014).
  • Participating in a human rights monitoring delegation in Paraguay to protect indigenous peoples and rural peasants under threat.

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Help us spread the message of active nonviolence

FOR is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that has been around since 1914 working for peace, nonviolence, justice and reconciliation. We want to continue to support the teaching of nonviolence strategy, and republishing our comic book from 1958 is a key part of that.

But with your help, we can do so much more: We want to create comprehensive study guides and teaching resources to accompany the comic book.

While Martin Luther King and the Montgomery Story is a fantastic tool, it's not the entire story. We can package it with additional materials that will make it even more effective in trainings for active nonviolence, racial justice, and multifaith activism.

Thank you again for your order, and for your interest in peace, justice and nonviolence. I welcome your thoughts and ideas on how FOR can further support your own work!

Rev. Kristin Stoneking
Executive Director
Fellowship of Reconciliation

P.S. If you're not already connected to FOR on social media, I invite you to join us on Facebook, Twitter or Pinterest!

Fellowship of Reconciliation  |  P.O. Box 271, Nyack, NY 10960
for@forusa.org  |  www.forusa.org  |  (845) 358-4601

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