Fellowship of Reconciliation

Dear Friends,

Syria peace sign and flagOver the weekend, thousands of Syrian civilians fled violence into Lebanon, joining hundreds of thousands of other Syrians whom the war has forced from their homes in recent months.

How do we make sense of the complex conflict in Syria, its relation to the Arab Spring, and the enormous humanitarian crisis there? And more important, after the world prevented the U.S. from launching a military strike in Syria, what can we do that is constructive? To help us address these questions, the Fellowship of Reconciliation invites you to a forum:

The War in Syria 
and Nonviolent Responses

Monday, November 25, 7 pm
Dinner Board Room 
Theological Union Library, 2nd Floor
, 2400 Ridge Rd, Berkeley (map and directions)

  • Dr. Mohja Kahf, poet and leader in Syrian Nonviolence Movement, on women and the nonviolent revolution in Syria
  • Professor Stephen Zunes, University of San Francisco, author of Tinderbox: U.S. Middle East Policy and the Roots of Terrorism, on Middle East politics
  • Father Ephraim Alkhas, Assyrian priest who has served Syrian, Iraqi and Iranian immigrant communities, on the impact of war on Christians and ethnic minority rights

Moderated by John Lindsay-Poland, Fellowship of Reconciliation

Dr. Kahf, Prof. Zunes, and Fr. Ephraim will offer firsthand observations and analysis from civil society perspectives. We will share suggestions for contributing to humanitarian assistance, supporting negotiations to end the violence, acting in solidarity with imprisoned nonviolent Syrians, and protests at consulates of states arming different sides in the war. Please join us!

Mohja Kahf  Stephen Zunes  Ephraim Alkhas

Sponsored by Fellowship of Reconciliation.
Information: 510-282-8983, or email John Lindsay-Poland

Fellowship of Reconciliation  |  P.O. Box 271, Nyack, NY 10960
for@forusa.org  |  www.forusa.org  |  (845) 358-4601

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